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Parking Meters.


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According to FaceBook a parking meter has arrived on the bank at Horning. So we are now expected to feed one of those ravenous machines but what if we don't? How is it to be policed? So our boat registration number can be taken but so what? Neither the BA or the boatyards are obliged to divulge our personal details or addresses. Would seem to me that if folk don't want to pay then the law, at present, is pretty much on their side, or at least not on the side of the instigator of this unwelcome eyesore on the river bank.

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Hi Jenny  Morgan What hell is going on with this Idea? I think this whole thing has gone to far next there will by markers on the River telling  us to keep on what ever Side of the River going up or down . No this Idea has gone out of the Spirit of things. I think it would be better served by using the Machine to  get a Ticket for refund going in that Pub for Meal or Drinks?  Like when we go Supermarket Shopping go  to a Parking Machine to get the Ticket and get Refund when Shopping is all done.

Andrew Cook

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OMG have I read this right ?

A meter for boat moorings ?

this could be the start of a slippery slope,  all 24 hr moorings replaced with meters at every point

and for what, to raise more revenue, spoil the nature of the Norfolk Broads

I bet it would create more illegal and wild moorings 

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I believe its on the river bank opposite the Len Funnel / Emblem yard, which the B.A. gave up, then was leased by the Ferry. Who's got the lease now I don't know.


The question of how can it be enforced has alway applied, when the man comes round for the money, at a pub and you refuse to pay what can they do. Casting you adrift is probably a more serious offence than non payment...


 by the time they get an order to nail a writ to the mast you'd be long gone...

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44 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

There's a thread elsewhere about this , wasn't sure if was pc to copy and paste  the pic on here.

They also state it is opposite The Ferry Inn , Horning , if it is permitted to copy paste the pic someone let me know and I will do so

As it's my photo that is being used, I have no objection to it being copied on here.

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I think it's the use of a machine to collect the charges that people are finding a little out of keeping with the broads(it is a little bit 'town centre'), rather than the fact there is a charge for mooring, although I am happy to be corrected on that.
I do see why it would be desirable to have though, nobody has to cross the river to collect fees etc

Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

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2 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

According to FaceBook a parking meter has arrived on the bank at Horning. So we are now expected to feed one of those ravenous machines but what if we don't? How is it to be policed? So our boat registration number can be taken but so what? Neither the BA or the boatyards are obliged to divulge our personal details or addresses. Would seem to me that if folk don't want to pay then the law, at present, is pretty much on their side, or at least not on the side of the instigator of this unwelcome eyesore on the river bank.

BA can and under certain circumstances pass details on but only such as to court's, police , etc however I did have details pass on by a BA employee this yr that shouldn't have been but its impossible to trace who did it but I do know the head of tolls was furious about it , I wouldn't think it particularly likely that they would divulge information on less it became a court case then they might be forced to .

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2 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

There's a thread elsewhere about this , wasn't sure if was pc to copy and paste  the pic on here.

They also state it is opposite The Ferry Inn , Horning , if it is permitted to copy paste the pic someone let me know and I will do so

Well done for asking , I doubt though that since the said picture is in the public domain already then it holds any form of copyright etc but always nice to ask first many many don't .

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I am more annoyed that in all my ideas of pay to moor, I never thought this one up. Self contained, solar powered - brilliant. The real key is how much it will cost, but as far as a pay to moor policy for privately run and maintained moorings, I don't think that is unfair to expect people to pay.

Putting things in to perspective, I've learnt recently that to moor for one night in Ibiza town marina would set you back over €600.00 - so a couple of quid to moor on the Broads seems like peanuts.

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7 minutes ago, Ricardo said:

Well done for asking , I doubt though that since the said picture is in the public domain already then it holds any form of copyright etc but always nice to ask first many many don't .

From the legal point of view, I took the photo, the copyright is mine and remains mine until I choose to dispose by sale or gift (in writing). That I published the photo doesn't change that situation. I had to go to court once, to prove that point to someone who thought otherwise. It cost them a bob or two.

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Just now, Paladin said:

From the legal point of view, I took the photo, the copyright is mine and remains mine until I choose to dispose by sale or gift (in writing). That I published the photo doesn't change that situation. I had to go to court once, to prove that point to someone who thought otherwise. It cost them a bob or two.

Makes you wonder how people share others pictures on such as Facebook etc and I think we both know forums in the past have done exactly the same with no problem's , I just thought it was nice to ask that's all as lots of people copy things from elsewhere without bothering to do that , and on that note I think I'll move on to the actual problem if it is one of the parking meter  .

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