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Workshop Projects


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I thought rather than clutter up the model thread, I would create a new topic for the projects to improve the workshop.

So todays project is started, the wood has been cut to size, and then slowly built up, glued and screwed, this has had a piece of 2" x2" screwed and glued to the top, this will assist its being fixed under the open part of the bench and will provide a handy storage place, now my question, what will live in here?







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yesterday I had a stroke of luck, the builders at work had just finished laying the flooring for the new toilets, and outside was the end of a roll and a decent offcut, after asking the boss of the builders I came away with the offcut and the promise of whatever was left after the had finished. 

So last night modelling time was used to lay the flooring I had got, along with the piece of cork flooring I got last week at the boot fair, I now have a decent floor, better than bare concrete, and easier to clean. softer on the feet too.

this is a good grade industrial flooring, so should last well, and the tools on wheels should roll around easier.

there is just one bare bit left to sort out.




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It's looking good Peter. I think I might have discovered a new...erm, how best to put this? Erm...FETISH! Other peoples workshops. I'm following the Drunken Woodworker's move to his new 'dream workshop' on YouTube as well as April Wilkerson, mind, with April it's not just the workshop! :default_norty:

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that reminds me - I need to go get my big pillar drill from my mother in laws garage, and some of my other large vices (no not those vices - the ones used for holding things in the workshop ( hmm well I suppose some of those other vices could do that too)).

I am already suffering from Timbo's Tardis problem, I am running out of space to put my tools, now I am gathering them back into the fold - still if I tidy the other half of the conservatory out, I could expand into there (at least this has allowed the indoor kitchen table model shop to be used for the less messy jobs that are best done inside in the warm).

So small tool storage solutions are the next order of business, somewhere to store my reamers.

Now this workshop is up and running things will get shunted around to improve the storage, and then labelled so I can find things.I have a whole lot of storage tubs, but need to find a place they can be stacked,  & labelled so access is easy (here I am thinking of a framework that the tubs can slide into so I dont have to unstack them to get to one.

I already have a stack of 3 building up (one for brass, one for aluminium, and one for steel materials) you can see some of the tubs sitting under the bench and on a stool in some of the pictures above.

I am thinking that when the big pillar drill arrives, it will replace the trolley in the corner (it will have castors added) and provide some storage underneath too, as well as maybe space alongside, the big drill is not a full floor standing one, but needs a low bench to bring the table to a comfortable height (it probably will need stripping down and de-rusting too).

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Some of my best tool storage has been a couple of retired photocopier cabinets. They tend to be all steel so nice and strong with decent castors. They will hold plenty of weight, one has my planer thicknesser on it, and a nice wedge under one end stops them trying to escape. They are easy to come by as new copiers come with new cabinets every time!

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When it comes to rust prevention on cast machines I found a great preservative is Liberon lubricating wax, initially for lathe beds but easy to apply and leaves a protective wax layer on anything it touches. My workshop machines and tools have stayed rust free for the past 15 years using this as required. great investment.


Love the copier cabinet idea, will email stationary stores..... :597_printer:

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IMG_7681.JPGThat, definately a surfeit of drills...

Looking at the colours, one Bosch, two silverline, two older royobi or possibly hitachi or something else, then a makita?

I like the holder though, something I might copy...

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5 hours ago, Wildfuzz said:

What a great thread for those of us interested in other man caves. I will get some pictures of my little shop and post for those interested........ Come on  Timbo feed the thread........

So here's the TARDIS in use. From left to right
Router bits, sanding station, finishes and glue, brad nailer and drill drivers.
Planes, chisels, measuring, hand saws, band saw, cross cut/mitre saw

More chisels, odds and sods, table saw and Stanley hand mitre saw

and pillar drill and mortiser, sash clamps and more clamps by the door...can't have too many.

On the bench you will spot RT's mudweight and jackstaff as I'm currently building a new bow peak from sapele and opepe.

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46 minutes ago, TheQ said:

IMG_7681.JPGThat, definately a surfeit of drills...

Looking at the colours, one Bosch, two silverline, two older royobi or possibly hitachi or something else, then a makita?

I like the holder though, something I might copy...

thats one metabo (getting old now with a switch that is starting to get dodgy- and is no longer available - 2 powerbase (with lead acid batteries- on their last legs), 2 maplin drill and 1 right - a makita

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Well one out of 6 isn't bad:5_smiley:,

Though silverline and powerbase are probably out of the same factory in China, and Metabo are German Like Bosch!! (though separate companies) is dark green the colour of all tools from Germany?  excuses excuses (from me)

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28 minutes ago, TheQ said:

dark green the colour of all tools from Germany?

Bosch comes in two colours for two grades of tools. Green is for home/DIY tools. These are usually a bit less powerful, slightly smaller, a bit less expensive with fewer features (but not always the case). Blue is professional grade tooling. 

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I think some of the Parkside stuff is quite good. I've got the belt sander on RT. Makita is a bit of a mixed bag these days. I bought a Makita drill driver and was incredibly disappointed. Not a patch on the DeWalt I have. Yet my Makita trimmer router is a superb bit of kit. My table saw, jig saw and random orbital sander at home are all Bosch and are really superb tools.

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Just now, Timbo said:

I think some of the Parkside stuff is quite good. I've got the belt sander on RT. Makita is a bit of a mixed bag these days. I bought a Makita drill driver and was incredibly disappointed. Not a patch on the DeWalt I have. Yet my Makita trimmer router is a superb bit of kit. My table saw, jig saw and random orbital sander at home are all Bosch and are really superb tools.

Welcome to the tower of power !!!

3 year warranty and includes theft insurance, the plunge saw is the best bit of kit I have bought.


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Just now, brundallNavy said:

Welcome to the tower of power !!!

3 year warranty and includes theft insurance, the plunge saw is the best bit of kit I have bought.


Ah so! Sensei's katana! He polishes that track saw you know, tucks it up at night and feeds it on good quality sapele!! :default_biggrin:

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