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hiya i'm fitting my calorifier via my ebby it also has a 240v immersion element on it as usual

has anyone tried to swap the 240v one for a 12v one like you get on the wind turbines etc

just a thought that because i can't have it connected to my engine as its raw water cooled i thought maybe have it connected to a 12v supply

that way i won't need shore power to heat the water if the diesel is running low

thanks and await the responses

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i got told by a friendly (but nutty) (on a rib anyway) heating engineer

that because my engine is raw water cooled ie i have NO heater exchanger thing that it won't get it hot enough

that's fine because i would have no idea how to connect it anyway lol

thats why i thought about having a 12v supply so when i'm moving that'll heat it that way for freeeee

(i like free stuff)

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Strictly speaking your 12V scheme wouldn't be totally free because the power taken by the immersion heater ultimately comes from the engine and consumes some extra fuel, whereas plumbing in to the cooling circuit is free as it absorbs heat that would otherwise be chucked overboard. However I think you're right that this isn't practical with a raw-water cooled setup.

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good idea, but to be useful you,ll need some meaty cables,here,s a indication of power needed for 12v imersions, A 12 Volt 100 watt immersion will heat 1 Litre of water 1 degree C in 1 minute and draws just over 8 Amps.

A 12 Volt 400 watt immersion will heat 1 Litre of water 4 degrees C in 1 minute and draws approx 35 Amps.

A 12 Volt 600 watt immersion will heat 1 Litre of water 6 degrees C in 1 minute and draws around 50 Amps

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/12v-Volt-1%22-WAT ... 06fe2eabb7

regards Trev

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Steve, As you are fitting an Ebo water boiler, and including the calorifier in the circuit correctly that will provide all the hot water you need without the massive discharge an immersion would take from your batteries. If you are running so low on diesel that you can’t run that for an hour (less than a litre) then hot water will be the least of your problems. :lol:

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Steve, As you are fitting an Ebo water boiler, and including the calorifier in the circuit correctly that will provide all the hot water you need without the massive discharge an immersion would take from your batteries. If you are running so low on diesel that you can’t run that for an hour (less than a litre) then hot water will be the least of your problems. :lol:

Have to agree and the set-up cost of the 12V one would probably out way the savings. I would stick to a 240v immersion when on shore power in the summer and the eberspacher in the winter. If you want free hot water why not get a grant and go solar. Coming back from Oulton on Tuesday morning we passed a narrow beam barge which had every inch of the coach roof covered in solar panels about 9ft by 20ft electric one's I think, has anyone else seen it.


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Have to agree and the set-up cost of the 12V one would probably out way the savings. I would stick to a 240v immersion when on shore power in the summer and the eberspacher in the winter. If you want free hot water why not get a grant and go solar. Coming back from Oulton on Tuesday morning we passed a narrow beam barge which had every inch of the coach roof covered in solar panels about 9ft by 20ft electric one's I think, has anyone else seen it.


i like the idea of a grant !!!!!!!!!!

anyone got any ideas where i could get one from :grin:

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