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Good, Positive Reading!


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53 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Broads Briefing highlights the good work being done by the Authority.:1311_thumbsup_tone2:

No mention of the road sign project!:default_norty:


Without wishing to sound negative ( but hey I'll probably get accused of it anyway )  in some cases I'll agree but I've been told tonight that no construction work is currently happening at Acle , I was under the impression the the electric post's ( part of last years toll increase ) had already been installed + I thought the mooring's were operational so they can hardly be classed as new .

Good to see commissioners cut has made it to the " let's get it done" list rather than the " sometime" list .

Moorings in the city are council owned on less BA take them on ( possibility ?).

Regarding the nature reserve pontoons , will there be access via the moorings or will it be purely access to the viewing platform , I'm sure access to the reserve from the mooring's was mentioned in regards to the tolls increase this yr .

No mention of the signage and also no mention of what BA are currently up to as in removing the  boats from the city which I'm told includes the Thai boat , now hopefully as all these boats are on council land the bills won't be heading towards the navigation account .


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Now, what have you done with Jenny Morgan?






Enjoying the new decade positivity Ms Morgan!

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Great to see the BA doing all this work, please convey our thanks if you're reading this Tom. 

The new moorings and visitor centre sound good, I can just imagine mooring overnight a going to the centre for a full English while watching Marsh Harriers swooping over the marshes. 

The extra moorings and leccy at Acle Bridge will be welcome, but the dredging and maintainance of Candle dyke and Waxham New Cut are sadly not a given for Lightning, so we will have to hire one of Martham Boats finest for a couple of nights to explore the Upper Thurne Network, unless they raise that blockage of course?. 

You see marshman, we Do applaud and give credit to the BA when they work hard on maintaining the Broads in the manner they are supposed to do. 

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10 hours ago, D46 said:

I thought the mooring's were operational so they can hardly be classed as new .

The first new moorings were opened last year, this new set of 16 + electric posts will complete the project. 

10 hours ago, D46 said:

will there be access via the moorings or will it be purely access to the viewing platform ,

According to previous reports, the new mooring pontoon will provide access to the whole reserve and the visitor centre which is to be built. I get the impression that it will be a fair walk to the visitor centre so Speedtriple will earn his full english if that’s right. 😁

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9 minutes ago, Matt said:

Anyone have any idea what size of boat they use to make the assumption that it is 16 mooring spaces? And how close do they have to be?!

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Hi Matt,

I would imagine the law of averages would apply, so possibly around 38ft. There are very few hire boats smaller than 32ft these days, however, when you consider private boats, that average could be down to around 30 - 32ft. If anybody has a more realistic figure, then I wilfully stand corrected. 

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3 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

Having now looked at the current listing of moorings it seems to vary between 10 and 12 meters depending on the length of the moorings ???


So that would average around 34ft. Just goes to show how big the average boat on the Broads has got in modern times. 

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5 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

Having now looked at the current listing of moorings it seems to vary between 10 and 12 meters depending on the length of the moorings ???


That’s certainly the length I had in mind. Belaugh is 22 metres and quotes 2 boats, Boundary Farm is 40 metres and quotes 4 boats. Trouble is the steps (of which there are many!) tend to upset the mooring spacing. 

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Some heartening responses, apart from the to be expected sarcasm from the usual suspect.  I have no doubt that this welcome edition of the Bulletin has been written with care, e.g. no mention of the BNP, no politics or red rags for us touchy, justifiably suspicious bulls. Let's be positive,  the road sign debacle is proving a step to far, public opinion does matter, a corner is perhaps being turned. The way forward is together. Being realistic, just for a moment, let's just hope that this not just a flash in the pan. What next, a rebirth for a reformulated, largely elected Broads Forum perhaps, or am I expecting too much too soon?

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5 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

Some heartening responses, apart from the to be expected sarcasm from the usual suspect.  I have no doubt that this welcome edition of the Bulletin has been written with care, e.g. no mention of the BNP, no politics or red rags for us touchy, justifiably suspicious bulls. Let's be positive,  the road sign debacle is proving a step to far, public opinion does matter, a corner is perhaps being turned. The way forward is together. Being realistic, just for a moment, let's just hope that this not just a flash in the pan. What next, a rebirth for a reformulated, largely elected Broads Forum perhaps, or am I expecting too much too soon?

Who was it who was defending ‘banter’ just a few hours back?


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Good Friday is the 10th April. The moorings are already in existence (see Broads Briefing March 2019) so it will just be a case of putting the posts in surely? That work was scheduled for the winter of 2019/2020 so they are on track. The Briefing says ‘Further work is scheduled next year during the winter of 2019/2020 including the installation of electric charging points and repiling work and raising the rest of the quay heading’. There is a picture of the completed moorings and they were certainly being used last year. 

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9 hours ago, vanessan said:

The first new moorings were opened last year, this new set of 16 + electric posts will complete the project. 

That was a load of drivel! As explained in my last post it is a case of further work to the moorings which opened last year. Sorry if I misled anyone. 

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Exactly as I  previously mentioned how can these be classed as new they are existing not New , it's possible to moor from the pictures I've seen along the entire stretch putting in a gravel path doesn't make them new nor doesn't providing electric posts , at best it's an upgrade and nothing more , but not according to Mr packman.

Good work by BA I applaud , sugar coated misrepresentation of the facts I definitely won't applaud .

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2 minutes ago, Tempest said:

Hope so, in order to allow all persons irrespective of their mobility to access this beautiful area

That's a whole new ball game! I'm not the most mobile of boaters and I often have to access the land from my boat on my hands and knees. Undignified I agree, but needs must,  that blessed grit is no more kind to my knees than it is to a varnished deck. Problem partially solved though, a pair of knee pads but, as a person with mobility issues, I don't find the ubiquitous crushed concrete to be the obvious answer. One thing that I'm sure that we'll both agree to is that access to the Broads as a whole, by the less able among us, could be a whole lot better than it is.

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