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:594c04f570582_default_happyparty:  We normaly decorate the outside of the house with a display of lights about 2 weeks before the 25th.  There has been a lot of talk in

a few places regarding putting up lights early to cheer everyone up.  Not sure whether this is a good or bad idea.  Your thoughts please.

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Go for it Alan. I think it's a wonderful idea, lordy knows people need cheering up and something to smile about in these difficult times. Nothing wrong with putting them up early, I've seen quite a few already, the children love it and it gives people something good to focus on too

I know someone who would have his lights and decs up in September if he could get away with it :facepalm:x


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4 minutes ago, Gracie said:

Go for it Alan. I think it's a wonderful idea, lordy knows people need cheering up and something to smile about in these difficult times. Nothing wrong with putting them up early, I've seen quite a few already, the children love it and it gives people something good to focus on too

I know someone who would have his lights and decs up in September if he could get away with it :facepalm:x


Hi Gracie, thanks for that!  If people moan I will blame you!  I will sort them over the weekend and put them up on Monday.

Might even post some pics - may have started something. Whatever.  Stay safe and try to be happy.

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1 minute ago, Hylander said:

Sorry,  have to disagree by the time Christmas gets here you will be totally fed up with the Dec's.  Dec 1st is bad enough,  if I had my way it would be about the 10th Dec.


Sound like we should ban them altogether then?

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There are quite a lot of houses on the estate where we currently live, that have already put up their Christmas lights (both external and internal).  Far too early in my opinion.  I shall put ours up outside over the weekend of 28th and 29th November and switch them on on 1st December.  The tree indoors will wait a bit longer or all the needles will be on the floor before the big day!

With the threat of a continuing lockdown preventing our usual ‘family’ celebrations, thoughts of our ruby wedding anniversary early next month and packing away our possessions in readiness for our forthcoming house move, have taken priority at the moment.  

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I have a friend who has already put her tree up. She's had a rough couple of years beyond just this pandemic. Putting her tree up has brightened her day and given her the fight to look forward with hope.

Personally ... we won't be putting ours up until much nearer the day. 

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I’m not going to knock people putting up decs early this year. We’ve all had enough to put up with, and I’m sure lots of people just want something to look forward to and to add a bit of cheer to their houses.
However, we’ll be sticking to the first weekend in December and, in future years, I hope that the trend to start Christmas earlier and earlier doesn’t continue. From my point of view it just degrades the specialness of the real Christmas.

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I'm usually a bit strict about Christmas. It starts on the 24th of December and finishes on the 6th of January. Last year, I didn't bother at all. I usually get moaned at for not putting my decs up until Christmas Eve. This year I was considering putting my decorations up early until...

...three houses across the street put up all of their decorations on the 5th of November. Strings of blue lights, Christmas trees, the works. Looked like a police raid on the Costa del Cleethorpes. Last night the lights were off and the decorations were gone from all three houses. I had to ask them why?
"The kids were moaning that they were bored of Christmas."


Mine are going up on the 24th!

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I just think this year is so different and there are so many people in need of cheering up and some focus. I know it's early yet but there are some poor folk who have nowhere to go and nothing to do. I think that's why we are seeing decs and lights up early

Good on anyone who wants to put them up

Merry Christmas everyone :default_biggrin:


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Each to their own and personal choice imho.

As far as this hovel is concerned, it is traditionally twelve days of Christmas, Not twelve bloody weeks !

Extending the house displays / Lights / Decs etc weakens the special time that is Christmas and it just becomes the norm.

However I / We do respect folks own preferences, but it's not for us, I like to keep Christmas special


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Our exterior lights will go up around 15th December. Our tree will go up a week before Christmas. Whether we actually end up celebrating Christmas with the family depends on the government doing the sensible thing and closing the schools a week early so that the kids have an opportunity to quarantine so that they don't infect the olds. 

Hang on, this is the government we are talking about. No chance then. 

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I agree, they do cheer the place up but for how long? Not long IMO; hardly worth the effort. But if the people who put them up enjoy them well fine as long as they don't actually pee anyone else off. It's only once a year after all but the longer it goes on for, the more people will get peed off.

The environment. There, I mentioned it. When did this fashion for decorating the outside of the house start? The more people that do, the more is the affect on the environment.

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We normally put the decs up first week in December. This year because  the house  has been completely repainted, we decided to reduce  amounts.We will as always  get a real Christmas  tree.Once I'm  allowed  to go out more.

We visited  Canada in early  January  years ago.The rep told us many in Canada  keep Christmas  decorations up though out January. Just to cheer up dark cold days.No bad luck there then?

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