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Important Information Regarding The Chat Room


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Comment has been raised about the no password when using the chat.

The chatroom is set up based on guest logins.

It is not a Chatroom for the use of a select group of members but is open to all.

In the time we have been using this setup for the quiz nights etc we have been lucky in the respect that there has not been any abuse.

If there were I am able to block by ISP.

The room is not integrated with the forum but is entirely independent.   You dont actualy need to use your forum name but it does help a great deal especially in the quizes as it enables new people to recognise you.

Hopefully we can continues this way.

As the software does not come with a registration system I would likely have to set uo something to enable this and at the present time I just am too tired and comitted elsewhere to spend time writing code.




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Thanks Bern,

Do let me know if there any issues with the Chat.

All seemed to be ok after I installed it but I may have missed setting up something.

I miss being able to join in these days but the only way I could take part is if we were to hold the quiz very late at night when I get a bit of time.

Not really a practical idea that.




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