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Quite The Proud Dad


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Yesterday, my daughter Natalia began her first Broads holiday that she'd booked herself, having grown up and continued as a young adult coming aboard with me. Having first holidayed on the Broads at the age of 7 months back in 2000, she's now 21 and is aboard with her boyfriend, Joe. I've spoken to her today I know they're both having a brilliant time. If, like me, you've experienced taking your children boating and then seeing them continue as an adult, does that give you satisfaction, a feeling you must have done something right over the years?

Not only do I get to appreciate this, later this year Natalia and I, all being well, will get to experience boating on the Caledonian Canal for the first time together. Sometimes, against the all the stresses life throws at you,  you just have to take the opportunity to feel happy.


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That's a lovely story  and what a great thing to be able to look forward to.  We really envy you that. My daughter used to often join us on board but her husband is not so keen on boats finding it all a bit sedentary so, once married,  her patrticipation dwindled to nothing on the back of that. We miss her. Don't need to tell you to enjoy it while you can, you obviously do!



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