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Yacht In Trouble Off North Norfolk Coast

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There are huge numbers of pots layed off the North Norfolk coast and in the sort of winds that we have experienced in the last fw days they can drift and break loose. In any sort of a seaway they can be very difficult to spot.

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28 minutes ago, Cal said:

Wouldn't fancy being towed over Wells Bar :default_blink:

It was really breaking there on Tuesday. NNW wind over a very strong ebb. It was giving the windsurfers a thrilling ride though.

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It's not clear from the report whether the problem was a pot or some other debris. I've certainly experienced fouling by pots and by abandoned nets, as well as other debris such as fertiliser bags. Fortunately none of them have ledd to a need for assistance. The UK is not great at requiring and enforcing pot marking. France is much better. They mus have a clear flag and a light. Spain, where I mostly sail is terrible. an old 1 litre can seems to be regarded as enough.

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