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Mooring Fees


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Hi, do you know that Mooring Fees have gone up at the Thurne &; Dyke to which it went up overnight that is not fair to the People Hiring Boats with their Hard  Earned Income that also goes to Private Bosts 

 As the Thurne Pub wants customers to come for food & Drink they will be losing their Trade doing this sort of thing I believe that 

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as the Thurne pub and landowner have to pay to maintain the quay headings, is it fair to them to not cover their costs, one way they lose money on the repair costs, the other way they lose money on the income from the moorings and pub trade, with the costs of everything rising it is unrealistic to expect mooring prices to remain static, after all everywhere else has put their mooring costs up.

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Andrew, it might help the debate if people know what the mooring fee increase is!, although I think the increase actually happened a little way back.

The moorings at Thurne Dyle are free during the day from 10am - 4pm

They are £7.50 4pm - 10am IF paid in the pub before 6pm.

They are £10 4pm - 10am IF they have to collect from the moorings after 6pm.

There is no mention of this being refundable on food or drink.

Personally I'm not a great fan of pubs charging you to moor, but more and more pubs are and when you compare the charge to the £10 for mooring along the bank at Acle on the old Horizon craft / Pedro's piece of bank with no facilites then I think it is good value. 

It's also worth knowing a little of the history of the area. A good stretch of BA mooring was lost a few years back at Thurne mouth. Then the farmer who owns one side of Thurne Dyke and used to collect over night mooring fees for his side decided it wasn't worth the hassle so he decided to let them as annual moorings which would have seen half the dyke lost to pub customers. Rick at the Lion has leased that side to keep them available to over night moorers, and this has to be recovered somehow. Finally it is a narrow dyke with some strong cross winds and the quayheading and fixtures take one hell of a battering during the season and need maintenance. In my opinion, that is one area where Rick could improve things, especially since he is charging. Also worth remembering that charges for mooring here existed before Rick took over, although I believe Sid used to charge £5.

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7 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

I think £7.50 Is fair.Most people  will go to the pub.Its free up to 4.00 o'clock..As said some pubs change more.My only concern with the moorings there.Is the rings which not always  visible. Would prefer posts.

And they can be slow in replacing broken rings making it hard to set the ropes especially in a strong cross wind. Preferably posts, or more rings and quicker replacement of broken ones would be my only ask. With battery screwdrivers / drills someone could take a walk down the mooring once a week and replace any missing rings in less than an hour. Gus at The New Inn used to keep a screwdriver and spares to hand and replace a broken ring within the hour.

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I think the facts are simple. If the moorings can't be made to pay at least one side of the dyke will be lost to overnight moorers.  If the pub can't be made to pay it will be lost. Think of how many moorings and pubs have been lost. Use them or lose them... and applaud Rick for seeking to make both these enterprises work.

Mind you I think the discount for going to the pub early to pay is cleaver. Who is going to go in and not have a quick half...

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