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Anyone Feeling Brave!


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The yard that built it had a fair few of these in this type of condition that had been standing for years. It was nothing that a JCB and a box of matches couldn’t sort out. They now have much more space. 

Sad to see but at some point you have to be realistic. Roof, Cabin sides, decks, may be some structural’s, that’s before the bottom, hull, engine, gearbox electrics etc. are checked, replaced and repaired.  

Could be fixed if someone has very deep pockets or a large affection for the boat, (both actually are required). 

Kind regards 



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1 hour ago, Ray said:

Can it even be restored? Or if it is how much of the original boat can be incorporated? Having said that, I hope someone can and does 🙂

I suppose restoration is possible, but probably more worthwhile projects out there. Guessing it has been abandoned at the yard.

Its actually only a few miles from where I live. Part of me wants to pop over and take a look! Although I have vowed to never own a wooden boat again………

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1 minute ago, PCL023 said:

Do so at your peril 😊. Lovely boats very well built and designed, handle like a dream, so make sure if you check over it, you do so with your head and not your heart. 

as Sean Connery once said, Never say Never 😜


It would be purely out of interest in boats-honestly!

Any more ‘projects/toys’ would get me in deep trouble with management !! She is tolerant, but does have limits.


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It looks like some dry, rotting wood describing the shape of a boat. I wouldn't want to chance moving it anywhere. Easy to see why they want to get rid of it if you look at the marina on Google Earth; they are rammed with boats on hard standing and probably have a waiting list.

Lovely marina to be berthed at. Very remote with just a short cruise (or a pleasant walk) to Foxton Locks.

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I seem to remember this boat being for sale sometime ago. I notice it's the marina which is selling it. I suspect the previous owner has abandoned it and not paid their fees. I think the marina just wants it off their site. Advertise it now and if its not sold by November 4th...

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for the current price, its worth it for the fittings and engine spares alone, take a hiab lorry , load it up and take home, remove all the fittings and fixings as spares, perfect for someone who already owns a Martham boat.

there may be useable timber still there.

restoration- well in the way Tally ho is being restored, yes its possible, but I see this as a purchase, much as the lads from Acorn to Arabella did with their purchase of Victoria, they got a whole boats worth of fittings for their boat that way, probably saved them a fortune, and the decent wood is going to be made into their tender.

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