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maintaing a genny

Guest Jonny

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afternoon everybody

just wanted to know how to maintain a genny

the one in the vide is a honda clone almost identical to the one we have

we have a pro user 2.3 kva 5.5hp

we cleaned the good old sparky which was black as hell

cleaned the air filter

put two stoke oil in with the fuel

there is a little oil indicator with a dip stick which had a label which said fill with oil but dint say which so can you use car engine oil or does it have to be two stoke oil....

while trying to get her going the cord was already on the verge of going & couple days back first pull & she snapped only a small bit but now the pull cord wont recoil .... anybody know what size & where we coule pick some up from....

last note is there any bearings that need greasing after so many hours....

other than that we had her running for 10 mins & she ran sweet


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Jonny, If it's the one i swapped with Brian thats a 4stroke not 2 stroke.

Does not need oil in petrol, maybe thats why the plug is so black?

ahhhh DOH!!!!!!


advice please :oops::oops:

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So can the fuel be saved ..

So we now need to put 4 stroke oil in with the fuel ... what about in where the dipstick is 4 stoke oil or can you use normal 4 stroke oil

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Hi Jonny,

If it's a 4 stroke then it will be exactly the same as a 4 stroke car engine, unleaded fuel and oil separately.

Important thing is if you haven't used a genny before " earth, earth, earth" don't be tempted to run it without a ground rod, it will work but if there is a problem it is a 240v problem.

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Jonny, please play safely and stick an earthing rod in the ground before using your genny, failure to do so may result in you hitting the earth with it at full 240v force and sizzling loudly! :o:naughty:

People always think that this will never happen to them, but i have seen some nasty burns when working down in A&E on people who have been involved in accidents with using a genny :cry:

Julz :wave

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