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And Then There Was Just One

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After an extensive search of the house for Pickle (one of my 2 remaining cats) I finally found her where she had peacefully passed in her sleep last night under one of the chairs, so finally I am down from the initial 8 cats to just the one.

rest in peace Pickle, and we will meet along with the other 6 on the rainbow bridge.

all had lived long lives, the oldest being 24 when he passed

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It’s always painful losing a loved animal. Glad she had a peaceful end to a happy life with you. I’ve lost a few cats in my time and the last one I had put to sleep at home. I bawled my eyes out :default_icon_cry:

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Sorry to hear about Pickle. We do miss our pets when they pass over Rainbow Bridge. One of the things my mother said to me before she passed was that she was sure that our pets would be in heaven with us. She only had one pet as a child.

In those days keeping dogs indoors or on a lead wasn’t the expectation that it is now. Unfortunately, Mam’s little dog got himself into a bit of bother and got kicked by a policeman. Of course, from then on he saw anyone in police uniform as ‘the enemy’. My grandmother lived in terror lest the dog accidentally got let out of the house. 

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