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Fishing Line Around Prop

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I was out and about today on the Yare and encountered an angler. He was fishing at the mouth of Commissioners Cut, a small inlet with BA moorings. I avoided one of his rods but failed to spot that he had a second rod right across the entrance and his line got entangled in my prop. A lively discussion between us followed and it got a little heated. He had had plenty of time to see me approaching and his second rod was not at all obvious.

Anyway, he had to cut his ine leaving a few meters of line around my prop. We parted on failry good terms after we both cooled down a bit and so that was nice and I cruised back to Brundall without any noticeable ill-effects to my boat, but I'm wondering if this line might have done anything to my propellor and whether I need to do anything about it. What say you good people?


I should have mentioned that I have a single inboard diesel through a shaft

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53 minutes ago, wooster said:

I'm wondering if this line might have done anything to my propellor and whether I need to do anything about it.

It's possible for fishing line to cause damage to cutless bearings (where the propshaft enters the hull). It's probably less likely with lightweight coarse line - but may still be a possibility if you got a fair length of it wrapped up.

It's probably not worth being too concerned about, unless you start to notice anything like hesitation/knocking/reluctance to rev in gear, but it probably is worth having the cutless bearing checked next time the boat is antifouled. Obviously, best to let whoever is doing the work know the situation anyway, as there's nothing worse than unexpectedly encountering stray hooks.

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We lost a cutlass bearing with it . When I replaced the bearing it had wound its way up the prop. Having said that we have a wet stern tube and water flow is used to cool the seal so probably while reversing. There was quite a lot of it.

Kindest regards Marge and Parge 

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