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A Gentleman’s ‘tug’

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13 minutes ago, MargeandParge said:

A red light area at The Staithe between Neatishead and Irstead :default_biggrin:.

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

I’m going to regret the name of this thread :default_wub:

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17 hours ago, MargeandParge said:

A red light area at The Staithe between Neatishead and Irstead :default_biggrin:.

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

I believe our property ( may have ? )  had an interesting use before we bought it - the previous occupant later went down for running a house of ill repute ( elsewhere ) .....

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9 minutes ago, Gracie said:

She's a beauty for sure. I hope you don't get too many visitors at night with that red light or maybe you don't mind :default_biggrin:

Grace x

It’s the reflection not a red light honest although you’ve given me an idea :default_eusa_naughty:

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This reminds me of a story that my mother told me about an 'incident' that happened in my home town when I was a teenager (1970s). A very respectable lady, Dr's widow, who lived in one of the more affluent areas of Holyhead was very annoyed one evening when some 'gentlemen' were repeatedly knocking on her door. She complained to her neighbours the following morning. They didn't have the heart to explain to her that the red light that she had in her porch might have been the cause.


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