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I need your help with a new summer beer!


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Hello All! I know its April, raining and cold but i'm planning our seasonal and occasional beer production for the next few months (to fit in with our regular beers) and i need some help from all you great Norfolk Broads boaters. I'd like to brew a beer using wild hops that I'm told grow around the broads in various places. So i have 2 (ish) questions. 1. Does anyone know where any hops grow? Would i need permission to pick them? I'd also need lots of help at picking time too! Hops are usually ready late Aug early Sept so although its a while off yet, any help/advice/locations etc. anyone can give would be appreciated so i can decide if its worth doing and if so when! I would of course, be happy to donate some of the finished product to anyone helping and maybe one of the broads pubs we supply could try a cask or 2!

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Hi Jason

A very warm welcome to the NBN – good to have you aboard so to speak! :bow

Sorry can’t be much help with the wild hops (probably spend too much time in the pub) but will certainly look forward to sampling the beer if I can! I’ll drop a few hints to Lorraine at the Dog.

Do please keep popping back and let us know what you are up to, any info about drinking your excellent beer is always welcome! Good luck with the new brew!


oh and congratulations re the Hanged Monk! Very well deserved.

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Did I hear mention of free beer? :grin:

There were certainly female wild hop plants growing beside the 24 hour moorings at Geldeston Locks a couple of years ago .... whether there would be sufficient quantity I doubt, but it may have been growing elsewhere along that stretch of the river. I'm sure I've seen it elsewhere on the southern rivers too, but can't think where at the moment. As for permission to pick .... I would assume that it's a bit like picking blackberries isn't it? If you are on someone's land to do so then I guess you would need permission, but if just picking from the river or road then probably not?

We have masses of wild hops growing in the hedgerows along our lane .... unfortunately it's all male!

Good luck with the search - it sounds like a lovely idea.


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Save some for me Carol! :grin:

Just had another thought. I wonder if it might be worth having a word with Nigel and Sara Royall at Royalls boatyard in Hoveton. They go on many walks around the Broads which are well documented on their website blog. Might be worth asking if they have seen any wild hops on their travels!



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