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Potter Heigham Incident

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2 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

EDP reporting a body pulled out of the water today by H.W’s  not many details as of yet

Not a good year for accidental deaths. How many is that just this year? Six?


Hmmm.  Accidental deaths on The Broads are not good admittedly, however at least two, I believe, were caused by people ‘going for a swim’ at night during a period of hot weather.  Whether alcohol was a contributory factor or not, may not have been made public.  Common sense dictates that ‘wild swimming’ when under the influence of alcohol is perhaps not the best idea.

Sadly, the media will make the most of such occasions to sell more copies, whether the reporting is accurate or not.  Until the facts are known, if they are made public, perhaps best not to speculate and acknowledge that it’s another sad loss of life.

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just to stop people making it all up! the person that died was a member of Herbert Woods staff. it's very very sad and it has effected everybody that was involved in a very bad way!   it get's on my nerves when people come up to us after reading what's been put in the papers or what they have heard saying they are sorry when they haven't even heard what really happened IT'S NOT FAIR ON HIS FAMILY WHEN THE PAPERS HEAR ABOUT IT BEFORE THEY DID

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Oh I forgot to mention that when I got to work yesterday before anybody else turned up for work I had a reporter from BBC Norfolk come up to me and tried to ask me question's about what happend! it took a lot of self control not to tell him to ****off

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