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More dog litter bins please!

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One of the reasons we love the Broads is because it's a suitable holiday for us to take our dog along, and judging by the number of fellow Broads holiday makers we saw with dogs this is a popular thing to do. Why then are there not more dog litter bins? We are responsible dog owners that always clean up after her but what on Earth are we supposed to do with the nappy bag of dog poo!? We saw next to no dog litter bins. We don't want it on the boat, it stinks. It's not right to put it in normal bins, that stuff gets recycled. So please, lets have plenty more dog litter bins to help us keep the Broads a pleasant environment for all!

Thank you :)

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The advice from Broadland District Council regarding dog waste is that it can be double wrapped in plastic bags and placed in the household rubbish bin. So there appears to be no problem in placing it in public rubbish bins, the contents of which goes to landfill, not recycling.

Dog bins are the responsibility of parish councils. There are enough problems with overflowing bins anyway. Adding dog waste bins to public staithes would hardly be a popular move.

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