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I like the add on bathing platform looks so much better I take it's a new edition


Hi Jonny,

I see you noticed the little alteration I did over the winter. Many Bayliners in the USA are fitted with a " hull extention " because they are stern heavy. Mine also seemed to suffer with this problem, as indeed many sterndrive boats do. I replaced the old swim platform with two hull shape " tanks ", and have gained just over 300Kg bouyancy at the transom.

Regards, Paul




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Looking great Paul, glad it all worked out well and your modification planned out well. She certainly is sitting nice ans square in the water now. :clap:clap:clap

Hi Col,

The result in the water is quite amazing, I'm very pleased. Is your drive / steering all OK now ?


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Paul - is that Jeep GK that you tow with?

If it is, I've just bought a 2.7 CRD to tow our new Viking 20 :dance . Managed 28mpg on a 100 mile trip last week :cry . Not bad I suppose when the trailer and boat weigh in at 1800kg.

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Paul - is that Jeep GK that you tow with?

If it is, I've just bought a 2.7 CRD to tow our new Viking 20 :dance . Managed 28mpg on a 100 mile trip last week :cry . Not bad I suppose when the trailer and boat weigh in at 1800kg.


My Jeep is the " WJ " model, built in the States, not Austria, because it has the " new " for Jeep overhead cam 4.7 V8. My mpg would be close to your figure, but without the 2. I only use it for towing and when it snows

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My Jeep is the " WJ " model, built in the States, not Austria, because it has the " new " for Jeep overhead cam 4.7 V8. My mpg would be close to your figure, but without the 2. I only use it for towing and when it snows

Doh, silly me (fast, fat fingers) - our Jeep is a 2004 WJ Grand Cherokee. Meant to say GC (Grand Cherokee), not GK :oops: .

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I replaced the old swim platform with two hull shape " tanks ", and have gained just over 300Kg bouyancy at the transom.

It's a very good idea all round, a pity that you can't buy a stern-drive hull with that configuration as a one piece moulding.

The ultimate in stern drive leg protection, and you've also increased the waterline length without any significant increase in LOA.

The maximum displacement speed is now going to be a knot or two higher, (the root of LWL times 1.4), so Broads speeds will probably be more economic due to the lower hull drag.

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As the others have commented, a very professional looking job!

I am sure that you won't forget to tell the BA that your boat is now longer... :o

Most of us hirers make the boats shorter by ramming into things,

so I wonder how strong they are in case I bump into them :evil:

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I replaced the old swim platform with two hull shape " tanks ", and have gained just over 300Kg bouyancy at the transom.

Regards, Paul

Hello Smallfish, You must have cruised past St. Olaves and nicked the idea from me. I bear no malice i didn't have time to apply for a patent.

I hear you did all the GRP work yourself? Could you possibly advise how i could seal the top of mine.i.jpg[/attachment]

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hi Paul,

sorry to hyjack your thread with funnies, a very intresting idea ,it should aid the boat to plane if you have enough power,although as said you,ve done it to reduce "squot" .no dought you,ve read this ,but here,s a link to some intresting reading if anybodys intrested.

http://www.boatdesign.net/forums/boat-d ... 33936.html

Nice job and thanks for sharing :wave:clap

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