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Sabre 28 - Cruiser - Project


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She's gonna be a fine looking ship Alan, are you noticing a difference in her now? We certainly are.

Tell Dave to please put something on his feet, I can feel a nail or screw in the foot coming on, Ouch Lol


Very true Grace, you can now see it all coming together at last. It will be soon chugging on the Broads.


cheers Iain

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Thanks guys.. I can't tell you the amount of times I've told him to wear shoes but he just don't listen.. He does basically live in his work boots though and the boat floor is kept clean (mainly because he doesn't wear shoes!).. also we have learnt to wear goggles now so for once he was wearing them with the router :)  but I do openly admit we aren't brilliant with elf and safety :) when we was building the houseboat we was even worse and looking back now god knows how we didn't end up in hospital.. we both have minor scars though... thanks for thoughts though.. I told him off on behalf of you all! cheers

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Today's update..


We managed to make it a sunny "hop farm" for the kent boat jumble.. the field resembled Glastonbury.. they changed sites and the older one was indoors or on tarmac.. so I miss that..


Unfortunately for us it wasn't a good one.. we ticked a couple of bits off the list..(Windscreen wipers, fuel sender, hinges and loo hose was a good deal at £6 per meter)..


The greasy burger van instantly made me want fatty food although we resisted but decided to stop off at KFC on the way home and then B&Q.. As previously mentioned to save some time we are going with an off the shelf kitchen instead of making one.. I found one I like (ok love) but couldn't get anyone to quote for us.. thankfully today we found someone to help and for the three cabinets its reasonable.. well expensive but it's solid oak doors and probably dark cabinets to match so it will fit it well with the rest of the boat.. (I'll probably order it soon).

Back to the boat mid afternoon. We had a full sheet of ply left in the van which we brought for the headlining.. after lots of hassle (and hitting walls with fists (I mis-measured a bit but the wall moved to fit!).. we managed to use the board up and screw up in place.. they will get covered with foam backed headlining but obviously for now they just need cutting to size.. it's not an easy job although we did this one without using a tick stick which I think is good :)


Couple of pictures attached.. as you will see she's really coming together..













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Hi Mark.. 


We use Morgans Timber, Strood.  (Left at the roundabout near morrisons then under the little bridge). http://www.morgantimber.co.uk/.


£28 + vat for a full sheet. Although they only do 6mm thick on shuttering board so you will need to epoxy the back (West or cheap epoxy). They do need to order in though as it's not stocked but they only need 2 days to do so.


Highly recommend.. 



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Lol thanks Iain! he knows we are all right although wont listen! (When its ice cold in there and he's not installed the heating he will though!) .. It's strange to see the plan, which is stuck in my head, slowly coming together.. hope it all works :) 


The mudweight from fellow member Paul is 22kg not 22lbs too so he will have to wear some shoes for that!!

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You must feel a great sense of satisfaction when you see the plan coming to life




:) certainly do David, to be honest I'd say it's the best bit.. I love seeing corners for some strange reason.. moreso if the materials used to make that corner have been fitted by us..  so you may see a few pictures of corners coming up lol! cheers

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Quick update.


Daves been over most evenings this week.. he's been playing with more wires (I think he's enjoying himself?!). I've been over and reminded him where to put lights and switches although he's written it down now! I'm not sure why it's so time comsuming although he did say today.. "You do know theres 8 lights in the dining room/kitchen running of 4 light switches and that excludes the 8 low level led floor lights".. whoops fair point.. although at least I've done my normal multi-way switching for him to keep it easy (hmm that would be nice actually...).. In case you are wondering we have lots of mini led rope lighting to keep it atmospheric in there (remember I said I have a "problem" with lighting .. this is the problem!).. Although lightning is important.. so it needs to work well....


So.. I went over today and he has managed to wire some lights in.. the bathroom lights now run off the switch and I pressed the button and it looks good.. (May need a little more led rope in there but that's not too much work (probably!).  My impulse purchase light is on the wall in the front cabin and looks nice.. the light switches I struggled to decide on are up in the front cabin and look good.. The low level blue led lights are working and again look neat (perhaps a bit bright but still work well).


No pictures though I'll keep some suspense for now ;)

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First thing this morning straight down the chandlers to collect the second windscreen motor which they priced matched for me (I saved £20 by having the cheek to ask!), Next off to the timber yard to collect three 6mm sheets to finish off the headlining.. Thankfully the job wasn't too bad to do.. once again being a perfectionist I was expecting this to be hard but the tick stick and router made it easy work.. if anything I made the boats a bit tight although I think it will still work when we cover with foam backed headlining.


We cut the holes out for the recessed lights (managed to miss the beams for once too!) and cut out 2 of the vents holes.. time was getting on though so we need to cut the other two out tomorrow.. Tomorrow we also need to carefully mark the batterns and screw up in regular intervals as I gave up trying to do invisible fixings and will just use material covered screws but I think it will still look ok (I have to compromise somewhere).. We also quickly installed the wiper and dave will wire up in the week.


It looks a bit different with these boards just temporary up like this.. when we got the boat it didn't have headlining so it's a new look..


So tomorrow, we need to cut out the vents with the router and mark the final screw holes.. Also epoxy the backs of the bulkhead boards and we will put a coating of wood treatment on the headlining boards..   




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Hi Jaws,

Sorry about the mud weight weight, but as a feeble excuse I have just looked at my measurements for a replacement carpet. 3.1 metres by 4 foot 11 inches at the widest. Comes from being the age when proper sizes were being taught with foreign muck sizes!!!.

Keep on with the good work and reports.


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lol Hi Paul,  We've not grabbed from mum yet but we have heard it's heavy! But I wouldn't worry I'd rather have more weight in the mudweight than less.. We will put a windlass in one day anyway.  Thanks again for doing this.. I will send some money over to the forum shortly (need payday!).. cheers

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Thanks David.. I just scrolled back to beginning and it just brought back memories! I forgotten it was that bad! It's strange how you quickly get used to a change.. I'm looking forward to putting a kitchen in though, I think that will really change the feel in there.. although it feels very comfortable and homely (in fact nicer than our houseboat but thats all good I guess!).


Thanks Grace and Iain :) I didn't quite managed to get it all sweeped out and tidied up, plus I do want to keep a little bit more of a suspense as my finished design (if you can call it though) will soon be evident ;) I think blood sweat and tears is still more fitting for a project boat lol cheers

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Don't forget we have all bled and sweated with you reading this. bless you.

Can't wait to see the galley when it's finished.....guess we will just have to wait for the photos then, you could give us one or two now and again to be getting on with couldn't you? Lol

Funny you should mention reading this from the beginning, I did the same thing the other night with my sons, can't believe how she has come on, all down to you and Dave's blood and sweat but so worth it in the end.


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Lol sorry Grace, I do type too much ;).. It will be worth it in the end lol  cheersbar I promise I'll get some pictures soon.. You don't want to spoil the suspense though.. we've all been through this for the last few months!



Ok so we back home and the suns still up!.. we had a good day and a good weekend.. Today we have done all of the prep work for the headlining boards, this included; cutting the holes out for the last vents and led recessed lights which will be recessed into the boards, marked and carefully measured where all the screws will go so they look neat and tidy (74 in total! they will be covered with the same material), boards then moved and taken outside (in the 50mph wind!) and the backs coated with 2 coats of wood treatment, The bulkhead boards also coated with a coat of epoxy.. and that was it but we had a early and it was hard long weekend..


Next weekend though hopefully (if I can get it here in time) cover the boards with foam backed headlining (despite its disadvantages (i.e 4-5 year life span and slightly outdated look) I still like it and it will give a little more insulation.. we are also doing large boards so to give it a little more of a modern look and the boards are screwed up so they can be replaced at any time).  We also will start to order the kitchen.


No pictures today largely because most of the boards and panels are down to allow them to dry so it actually looks like we have gone backwards today but midweek we can permanently secure these in ready for the headlining.

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