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Solar Trickle Chargers

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:-D If anyone is after a solar trickle charger to keep thier battery's topped up during the Winter, Maplins are doing 1.5 amp ones for £9.99 at the moment, they are ormaly £19.99 I just bought two one for each of my battery's cheers ,,,

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Paul is right there, but as Mojo says they are trickle chargers. I have one on the boat and have just got a second one for the other battery. If I remember correctly they deliver about 15mA into the battery which should keep the battery in good fettle over the winter months. To answer Jill's question, I would see little point in trying to up the output, as even 2 would not be sufficient to run anything or indeed recharge the battery .

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Paul! as usual your right! :bow , it should have been 1.5 Watts, the specs says: output power: 1.5w @ 17.5v and testing condition: am 1.5 100mW/cm2, which is total gobbledeegook to me anyway, :? but as I was in London at the time of posting and being harrassed by four grandchildren I could be forgiven for getting it wrong, still next job is bring the battery's home to charge them up fully, then connect the trickle chargers once they are back on the boat to keep them topped up, :dance

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I've got one of these briefcase chargers connected to the domestic batteries. Seems to do the job keeping the charge up even if I go down to the boat some days and use the electric without starting the boat up.

I've have one of the little trickle chargers at home but never connected it to the starter battery, would it be a good idea to connect it if the boat is not going to be used for several weeks?


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