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Pleasure Trips Off The Coast

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I could probably answer this myself with a bit of Googling, but thought it might be of interest to others who may be looking to do something different on holiday, and that some of you may already have some links and information.

Are there any pleasure trips running out to sea from the Norfolk & Suffolk coast? I know about the seal trips out of Wells and Blakeney but wondered what else was on offer. I remember taking a trip out of Hunstanton during the early 90s on an old military amphibeous vehicle ..... a little unexciting as the sea was like a mill pond on that particular day, but it was still an extremely interesting way to view the coastline there.


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I don't honestly know Carol, though there is a yacht called the Excelsior which lives in Lowestoft. I don't think it's a private boat as such so presumably trips out on that are possible. But whilst I don't know myself I know a man who might and I'll ask him....

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There Will of course be the usual scattering of charter angling boats based along the coast and their skippers would no doubt take non angling bookings. I do know that both Shotley and Wolverstone have bareboat and skippered sail charters. I assume though, that what you are talking about is the “turn up and go†trip around the bay on Saucy Sue type of operation and if so I don’t think there are any left.

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Okay, I've not looked at the links / suggestions above so cannot comment but doubtless there is material worth exploring there. I have however had a brief chat with a friend and he said and here are some "top of the head" suggestions:

Hivita and Penetrator - sea fishing charter boats operating of.... (Yarmouth)? As David says, might take non-angling bookings.

The seal watching boat out Yarmouth.

Coastal Voyager out of Southwold, like a giant superfast rib, goes out almost daily. And it's not just any old rib - it went round the entire coast of Britain in 39 hours so it must be fairly sea worthy.

MTB109 out of Lake Lothing.

And Excelsior.

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Simon said:

Coastal Voyager out of Southwold, like a giant superfast rib, goes out almost daily. And it's not just any old rib - it went round the entire coast of Britain in 39 hours so it must be fairly sea worthy.

I am claiming a Lakesailoring Simon ..... see my first link :lol::lol::lol:

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Okay, I'll give you that one - though I'll pleased ignorance as an excuse on the grounds that you didn't mention the name of the craft and I clearly stated I had not visited any of the links posted.

I consider my backside firmly covered. ;)

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Yes it is more the turn up and go, or pre-book 30 minute to three hour trips that I'm thinking of. Thank you for the links and suggestions so far!

I absolutely love the idea of the Waverley paddle steamer if they are running trips out of Yarmouth this year .... I guess it's probably too early in the year for them to have finalised a timetable for the season. There used to be so many steamers running up and down the east coast , so that one really appeals!

The coastal Voyager at Southwold seems to offer a variety of trips, but the 30 minute sea blast does look like fun! Direct link to their website:


I'm not sure about sailing trips ... I get motion sickness on flappy boats on the Broads so I'm not sure that I would cope at sea. The Thames barge river trips sound nice though. Whilst it is possibly a thought for others, I couldn't tag along on a sea fishing trip boat as I have a strange reaction to the smell of fish - one whiff and I turn green and have to reach for the nearest bucket!! :o

It seems that they do still do trips on the amphibious vehicle at Hunstanton ... although it wasn't painted up to look like a shark when we went on it:


And there are the Beans Boats seal trips at Blakeney - something we have been meaning to do for years, but haven't got round to it yet:


There are trips running from Yarmouth out to Scroby Sands but I cannot find a website or even a contact number for that one. I guess it's just a case of turn up and hope that they are running trips on any particular day. I would like to go out and see the wind farm as, whilst not everyone would agree, I think the turbines are beautiful! We will definately be going on the Orwell Lady river cruise from Ipswich to Harwich in the spring though!

Many thanks!


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