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Spirit of light becomes Russet Retreat


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The Dream has come true.

Sat on a river back a few years ago watching the world go by . Every now again looking at the kids seeing them running around ,smiles on their faces. Wow what a magical place . It Has every thing ,no place is a like and offers everything . Too the slow pace of ludham to swimming at salhouse and watching speed boats on  oulton broad . Could we as family get bored of this? Sat watching private boats ,sail past, most waving :wavewith that glint in their eyes. You know the one I mean :party:.everytime coming home watching videos reading forums and generally struggling to get the broads out of our system. 

The wife is the organiser and the purse strings  , if we want a boat we should at least try different seasons other than two weeks in the summer. So the challenge was  on. Last couple of years this was done . So after two trips this year and third coming up , still we could not get enough. 

So job on is on for looking for a suitable boat . The needs . Dad likes to be sailing outside even in the rain. Mum likes a comftable bed and with three small children . Does not want to be  climbing over dad to get out of the bed. Kids, well all on one level and warm and cosy in the cooler months. 

Many searches later spirit of light was chosen. Dual helm so dad can sail in fresh air and not making the kids suffer as in ,dropping the roof down . Mum got the floating bed so no climbing over dad and the kids ,to get out off bed. The saloon is roomy for family time. The roof does not drop down so no air drafts on those cold mornings .  So all we need now is too book a showing while we are on holiday in August ......

more to follow.



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