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Tuesday Start


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When booking our holidays we always preffered to start on a Monday for either 7 or 11 nights, indeed this year we hired Broom Cadet on Monday the 7th for 11 nights returning the boat on Friday 18th. Most yards seemed to offer a Moday start in the past, but this year whilst we were moored up in Horning, I got speaking to a gent on the boat next to us on Tuesday that said he'd just picked his boat up for a week holiday from Barnes. I thought to myself that's odd - Tuesday isn't usually a change over day, that was untill I booked my 2016 holiday last night, same boat from the same yard, I put in my preffered start date and got the message that 'this holiday starts on Tuesday' I checked a few other yards and it seems Monday is being replaced by Tuesday as a start day. Anyone got any ideas as to why??

To be honest it's probably better for us as the journey up may be smoother - no Monday morning panic rush hour. Roll on Tuesday 6th September 2016 :)


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Hello Dennismate,

Welcome to the NBN forum.

Our boat syndicate has always had its change over days on Tuesdays since 2001, different start days on hire craft has been in effect for a few years now it helps spread the workload on some of the larger hire companies.

For us it means that we get a full weekend, we only encounter dayboats on that weekend instead of two, the roads are less busy for our journey down to the Broads. For us its a win win situation.

Please let us know a bit about yourself and what you hired this year and what boat you are hiring for 2016.



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The other thing about a Tuesday start, that was very useful when we were a partner in Ranworth Breeze, is that you do not have to travel on a Bank Holiday Monday.  

We left early on our last MS trip (on Thursday) and, although there were more lorries around, the journey seemed to take less time than travelling on our normal Saturday.


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I have just done a random 11day for a Monday start next year at Richardsons. and San Domingo is available. http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.co.uk/boats/san-domingo/?startdate=09/05/2016&pets=0&duration=11 I often start on a Monday, as Sunday is quieter drive down from the North for our stop over.

Welcome Dennismate to the NBN Forum:wave


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The problem with a weekday start for those working Monday to Friday is that you need to take 6 days leave rather than 5.


Not a problem for some but it is for me!

And me Matt. The holiday I just had from Richardsons had to be a Thursday or Friday start due to other commitments but I could have done without using 6 days holiday. If coming with my school age daughter or my wife (who works in a school) on a half term week I have to have a Friday start. Alas Richardsons have a lot of boats that are Monday or Friday only so sometimes my choice is limited by that.

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The start days vary from yard to yard and from boat to boat within the yard. Generally you can find a boat to start on a Friday/Saturday/Monday/Tuesday for 7 nights and the short breaks are usually Monday/Friday Tuesday/Saturday for midweek breaks which dovetail with the weekend breaks on Friday/Monday or Saturday/Tuesday. Bridgecraft are one boatyard that operate most (if not all - have not checked) on a Saturday/Tuesday turnaround. I think Tuesday starts are preferred by the boatyards because the corresponding weekend will start on the Saturday and finish on the Tuesday which is attractive to holidaymakers especially at public holiday times. 





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