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I have heard if one or two, grind them out, wash with clean water, dry them well, fill with marine epoxy filler. do this when being anti fouled, and monitor next lift out.

If the size of matchheads, best left alone.

There are companies that... in effect plane off the whole gel coat, dry in a controlled environment for months, then apply a new gel coat over. This will be very expensive, and may cost more the the boat is worth.

In the past, osmosis was looked at, as a very serious condition, however the modern view... it's not as serious as once thought, and is more common than you think. What is often ignored, is osmosis can attack from both sides, from the bilge as well.

If a 40 year old boat has a few, no big concern, however if this was a five year old boat.... walk away.

This is my opinion of course, based on reading various reports, I am no expert. I have not treated a boat or owned a boat with osmosis either.

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Every (old) boat has osmosis. No boat has ever sank of osmosis. Don't worry about it. Although obviously try to buy a boat without too many big blisters as but don't worry (Unless as Vicking said and it's a new boat as it shouldnt really affect a new boat), but it's not going to affect it (apart from people worrying when you come to sell it). As always get a prepurchase survey before buying. cheers 

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