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PC brigade at it again


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Well, I won't be wearing my Stetson type hat at the helm of a Boat any time soon, wouldn't want to upset the cowboys and girls amongst us now would I? eeeee haaa lol :naughty:

Utterly ridiculous :rolleyes:


Cowboy your not cowgirl you maybe but upset any one with your stetson six shooters n high heeled cowgirl boots never my dear......



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My thoughts exactly Dave. 

And what a pillar of the community he looks in his hoody. Now isn't that what gang members wear? 

I guess all the more mature people I have seen in pedros having a laugh with those hats on must all be racist. Or maybe just having a laugh. 

I wonder what other hats might be banned:River Police

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The problem isn't with the politically correct, it is with those who write the rules without thinking things through. Few "rulewriters" consider the problems for those enforcing and upholding those rules. The concept of trying not to offend people is sound and reasonable. Writing rules to acheive this  is next to impossible, not least of all because few people know what things offend and what things do not.

There is an army of people out there who take offence on behalf of others. It is possible that a member of the students union could have said that he felt the Mexicans would have been offended by the presence of those hats, it is equally possible that he might said that someone "not Mexican" could be offended on behalf of Mexico. What he almost certainly did not do was ask a Mexican what he felt!

TheQ raises an interesting point when he mentions kilts. If a Mexican were present, and wearing a sombrero, can anybody 'not Mexican' wear a sombrero? To say "no" would be racist !  Could the Mexican be allowed to sell sombreros? Would someone not mexican be allowed to buy a sombrero and then wear it?

It's a minefield out there, and such it will ever remain but leaving things to the public's common sense is an even more treacherous one. This poor chap, hoodie or not, had an impossible task. I for one hope he has learned valuable lessons from it and has travelled further down the road  to civilisation by his quest to minimise offense from himself and others.

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It would seem that the chaps attempt to prevent offence, has in itself caused offence.

And ridicule. 

As John has just written, 'This poor chap, hoodie or not, had an impossible task.' Perhaps if he'd had any wisdom then he would have left well alone. 'Pratt' is a term that springs immediately to mind!

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The word 'Allowed' really winds me up, as long as no one is being racist, hurtful or cruel etc we should be able to wear and do as we please, we won a war for our freedom and our freedom of speech. I know we have to have rules to abide by but this really is taking things way too far.

Before I married my husband, he was a cab driver in South London for a short time during a Football World Cup Tournament and stuck some St George's Cross flags on his car, he was told by the Council he was to take them down as they could cause offence, how unbelievable is that? I think the people that run this Country, give us the rules to abide by that 'allow' us our 'freedom', have completely lost the plot

Just for the record I am not a Racist or Bigot in any way,shape or form (I couldn't even swat a fly lol)



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So why are people from Scotland, Scottish . From Wales, Welsh. from Ireland Irish. Yet from England we are British? And as Grace said, they are allowed to fly their flags (OK we all know a certain group used the George cross as it's symbol), but that wasn't where it originated?

I have to admit whenever they ask on a visa form or such like where are you from I always put England and not Britain or UK.

I am actually proud to be British, but I think it's also nice to be a little more specific.

Can I wear a beret or is that offensive to the French? I never wear it with my stripy T shirt or onion string though:bow 

I can actually see the UEA campus being rife with dodgy hats now - students after all, will be students!!

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