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Barbeque'd Boat - Me! but way back about 35 years ago!


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During my restoration my humans found evidence of a fire that had taken place sometime in my past. Some information came to light recently from a chap who was moored next to me in one of my sister ships just before the fire happened. I was 'Highlight 6' at the time and he was aboard 'Highlight 5'. He remembers it well because Herbert Woods thought it was his boat that had gone up and not me! He thinks it was 1980 but may have been a year either way. We were moored on the Wherry Hotel for the day and I caught fire shortly after he left whilst still moored there.

So my question is,  Does anyone have any info on this event? I have trawled the internet but just cant turn up anything, not that I am any good at 'googling' really which is why I am asking.

Here's a couple of snaps of the remnants of the damage. You can see the blackened bits and hasty repairs to get me back up and running again. I say hasty but they did last me 30 years! it must have been quite a show though...

There is, of course, choccys as a reward for information received  ;)IMG_1856.thumb.JPG.eaf21dacaf12a4aec0af5IMG_2009.thumb.JPG.2c26e0b163d2b2147445f

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JA.. I'm sorry to say this and I'm hope you are sitting on your chocks here.. But I think that's probably where a human (hopefully not the current ones) at one time, kinda had enough of you and put a match to you!! Probably because you were just being too much work and they wanted one of these modern plastic boats... where all they need to do is a wipe down in the spring time... instead of pouring lots of blood sweat and tears (and a hell of lot of a thing called money (Yeah it also grows on trees, like you, but it's not as easy to come by)). Don't have a strop over it and make that chisel slip because at least you have found a human that's got some nice rose tinted glasses on (not literally.. You may want to google that) and wants to make you better now. cheers 

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JA.. I'm sorry to say this and I'm hope you are sitting on your chocks here.. But I think that's probably where a human (hopefully not the current ones) at one time, kinda had enough of you and put a match to you!! Probably because you were just being too much work and they wanted one of these modern plastic boats... where all they need to do is a wipe down in the spring time... instead of pouring lots of blood sweat and tears (and a hell of lot of a thing called money (Yeah it also grows on trees, like you, but it's not as easy to come by)). Don't have a strop over it and make that chisel slip because at least you have found a human that's got some nice rose tinted glasses on (not literally.. You may want to google that) and wants to make you better now. cheers 

Oh Alan, I do so hope you are wrong. I'm cute, cuddly, pleasing on the eye, I handle beautifully, I'm cozy inside, warm, pretty and, well, I'm a woodie....  it dont get much better than that!

My humans love me, they didnt need to tie me to the bench when we were flooded , did they? They could have got rid of me then!

Yes, I am expensive at times, us woodies can be, I reckon we cost about the equivalent to own and maintain as a new family car every three years and there are many who pay that happily without thinking about it. But what we do, and this is something you may not have considered young man, is we bring lots of people into our owners lives and cause friendships to be made. You can not moor a woodie anywhere without someone coming up for a look, a chat, a tour, or a photo opportunity. We are very popular out on the river as well, its hard to go anywhere without a camera going click in our direction.

What more could you want from a boat eh? I tell you, more people need a woodie to love and cherish.

At the end of the day its my current owners turn to look after a piece of broadland history for the future. Good job they dont mind the occasional whiff of chocolate though ;)


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Oh JA, what a lovely post, who doesn't love cozy, warm and pretty, I would love to see more photos of you and if I ever get to meet you out on the rivers I will gladly buy you a chocolate or two 

I have been known to often talk to the Boats we hire, telling them how much I love them and how beautiful they are (much to my family's dismay, they think Iv'e lost the plot), I have never had one talk back to me so I reckon you are pretty special :love and I'm not quite so daft as my family think I am lol 


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JA hi, just caught up with your enquiry, have you considered contacting the local rags? Maybe they have some thing on file from that date? Bit of a forlorn hope, but, hey you just never know your luck! Just a thought, you must like burnt chochies too! :naughty:


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JA hi, just caught up with your enquiry, have you considered contacting the local rags? Maybe they have some thing on file from that date? Bit of a forlorn hope, but, hey you just never know your luck! Just a thought, you must like burnt chochies too! :naughty:


Melted Iain, melted!

The chocolate thing only started when I moved here to be honest. I think I may be comfort eating. I have noticed that they keep measuring me and comparing me with the width of the door frame though!

GracIe, its a date!


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