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What size allen key


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Does anybody knoiw what size the Allen key (Hex key) is to undo the pumpout deck fitting, and better still can anyone tell me where I can getr a metal one?

On a couple of occasions noiw, the cap has been somewhat stubborn and the plastic keys just aren't up to the task. Best if I carry a metal one onboard.

Thanks all in advance. :)

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That looks the jobbie Iain, well if I can find an appropriate nut I'm out of the .... well you know. Thanks all for a fine collection of in depth and helpful replies, They're right up to the standard I aspire to when assisting our longer standing members. (and we all know that a long standing member is happiness itself)

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If you are looking for a " an appropriate nut " I would suggest you check out the other posters in this thread I'm sure one of them will fit the bill..........:shocked

Oh I have never handed out a warning point ...yet ! Some of these so called nuts IMO are getting a little thread bare! ME! :naughty: 

It is good to diversify a thread, occasionaly, :naughty: it made ME go and Google properly to try and aid MM.


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John, can I ask you if the deck fitting has a rubber seal on it?

If it has, I can't see the reason for it being too tight to undo

when required as with the seal, it should only be 'nipped up'

rather than 'tightened' and therefore easy to release.

When we bought 'Sapphire', the sealing washer was missing

and it was difficult to release but easy after I fitted a new one.

As an aside to this thread, how many of you check that your 

fresh water tank fitting has a good seal on it? Think of all the 

c**p that can get washed in there in a good storm or when

washing down with a hose......

'Sapphire's was cracking in places so was replaced at the same time.

Edited by BuffaloBill
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