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Meeting with Broads Beat


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I have my monthly meeting on Broads related crime tomorrow. Has anyone any particular points they would like raised or clarified on their behalf. I will give a little update after the meeting.


And can I ask the Mods to remove the sticky on property identification now. All the items that can be identified have now been resolved, thank you for your help on that one.

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Hello Stuart. As a victim of the last lot of boat break ins, do you know what happened to the people that were caught earlier in the year. 

thanks john

Yes this is an ongoing case so I cant give any details, however charges have been made against detained persons and further charges are expected. This has been passed to CID due to the size and complexity of the ongoing investigation and outstanding enquiries. I will post further details as and when I can.


S.:River Police

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Not a question just a message.

I have not been on the water as much as I would have liked but when I have I have more often than not I passed the broads beat launch or rib, I welcome their presence on the water as deterrent to the undesirables and I know it must be an expensive department to run but long may it continue.   

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Not a question just a message.

I have not been on the water as much as I would have liked but when I have I have more often than not I passed the broads beat launch or rib, I welcome their presence on the water as deterrent to the undesirables and I know it must be an expensive department to run but long may it continue.   

Thank you, I will pass this onto to those who matter......:clap

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Well there was very little raised at the meeting, all in all things are very quiet. The crimes reported are minimal, just 5 in the last month, with two of those being coastal and not related to the Broads, and just one reported in Suffolk, there are no patterns or links just the usual opportunist variety. With the end of the hire season in sight hopefully this end the incidence of anti social behavior on the minority of craft and locations to.

There will be an announcement regarding a new scheme for boat owners to register and record their boat inventory very shortly and this will run together with Suffolk constabulary to cover Northern and Southern Broads, hopefully of benefit to all owners.


Keep you posted


S.:River Police


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  • 1 month later...

Sorry John, and I don't wish to sound hyper critical, but that sounds like a rather loaded question. If what you ask is confirmed it sounds like a precurser to a bit of "Plod bashing" whilst if denied it sounds like your next post would be along the lines of... "Well I've heard that..blah blah blah."

A no win situation for Broadsbeat.

Personally, I feel that with crime on the up everywhere, Broads beat should be supported to the highest extent possible on this and every other broads forum.

Now I might have misinterpreted your post and if I have I apologise unreservedly, and further perhaps, you would do me the favour of clarifying your point.

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It's not a police bashing comment at all. Iam just asking the question. I feel the front line police have the hardest job and have a lot to do with less and less numbers, all this with one or both arms tide behind their backs. The fault lies with the judicial system. In my book. 

The only reason I ask is as these people robbed me I would like to know what happens to them. 

Hope that clears it up for you

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Sorry for the delay in replying, I have been out of the office for a while.... Pooter course......


As far as I am aware the males concerned are still on bail pending court. I will find a definitive answer and get back to you as soon as I hear.



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Got the answer as requested, of the two males arrested the first pleaded guilty to 1 count of handling stolen goods the other was found guilty for 15 counts of handling stolen good. The third male is still outstanding as wanted. All the identifiable property was returned I believe.

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It is not unusual to charge with handling if found in possession of stolen items even if we know where they came from as to prove the theft can be problematic in court. Unless Billy the Burglar is caught coming out of the property with his sack and stripy jumper of course, especially if there is no admission or forensic evidence. Knowing it and proving it are very different in law...........


The two males got a total of 20 months imprisonment and the third is outstanding and wanted, however may well have left the UK now.

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