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Broom's winter opening


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Brooms informed us today that as of the 1st November they will be operating winter times which means they will only be open from Monday until Saturday and closed all day Sunday. Saturday opening times will be from 9am to 1pm

This is as far as I know that Broom's have closed on Sunday. They also tend to work not much after 4.00pm during the winter opening period.If in doubt give them a call.




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Hi Alan, yes we are surprised regarding Brooms. They use to stay open until 4pm and also be open on Sundays. So that is a right pain in the rear end regarding fuel and pump out for the end of the season xmas4. Our last trip out on the river will be the last weekend in November, so we will need to top the fuel up by 1 o'clock or of course get a fuel can :shocked.

Regarding  :Stinky

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What does it cost to be open on Sunday? Fifty quid wages, surely, plus however much for a warm room, and no guarantee of any business. Providing a service is one thing, losing money is another. 

Think elf and safety would mean two people on site. Assuming a wage of £60 a day that's £120 plus overtime rate could easily be £240. Need to sell a fair amount of fuel and pump outs to make that back.

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The staff at Broom's filling station are doing other work in their production area's of the Broom's complex and just walk down to the filling station when the bell for service is pressed. 

Shorter hours are understandable but not opening on Saturday afternoon and at no time on Sunday could cost them major fuel sales. It will not effect most syndicate boats because of the Saturday or in our case Tuesday turn around days, if may effect some of our owners who need to cut their allocation short. 

The main effect will be to weekend sailors.



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I would have thought the common sense approach would be to open when people need them. As said above, it`s more than likely that out of season, the majority of customers will be weekend sailors, so why not have maybe 3 half days on Tuesday, wednesday, and thursday?. Most syndicate boats are weekend based, and most private boats are weekend based.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is little money made on fuel sales - most businesses provide is almost as a near loss-leading service to get people at the dock. As on the roads, the money is made on ancillary sales and as traffic on the river has already plummeted, there can be little justification for opening all week. 


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