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MiFi unit for sale

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Did it actually work in Norfolk?? I've thought of getting one for the boat but we are on three and signal on the phones is as we all know.. lumpy.. (And I'm still not sure I want to bring the boat into the modern day.. We don't even have a TV :party:)


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What I find mad is that mobile was going to take over the world - and it has to a certain extent, but only if you live around a city.

If you look back to the early days of mobile it was big in Scandinavia - why because it was cheaper to put the odd mast up here and there than run tons of fibre over mountains.

Here we are 20 yrs later and there are still huge swaths of the UK were you cant get a decent signal, not just the humble Broads.

I am waiting for thought transfer to be the norm - although people will then know what I am thinking about them:eek:

I love not having a signal though - no one from work can contact me:party:

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I/we use mifi with varied success. With all the merges going it is hard to say which is best now.

I usually buy 2 6 gig/3month sims at the start of the season which lasts.

EE only seems to work best in the middle of the river.

3 not too bad except in Brundall where we are based.

Vodafone seems to be the best over all coverage.

It is handy for checking the forum, weather etc.



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It's not that long ago that mobile providers, 3 especially were telling us that home broadband was dead, mobile 4G would take over everything. Loads of people bought into that and all of a sudden the mobile operators realised that they couldn't actually afford to supply all that bandwidth, and so the uncapped contracts quickly disappeared. Elaine is on a 3 contract now, and they won't let her upgrade. Friends on the same contract have just been told that they have got to migrate to the new tariffs, which they answered with true English gusto, two fingers enthusiastically waived. They have joined Giffgaff, £20 a month, unlimited everything, tethering (mobile hotspots) permitted. They do say they will slow daytime data speed after you have used 6Gb a month, but our friends have not noticed any great change despite using much more than that, 

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the other thing worth remembering is that not all devices are created equal. Reception, especially for data varies between manufacturers. Mifi units are usually better than mobiles, and Sony and Samsung mobiles tend to be better than I phones, and Nokia Lumias are dreadful unless you have the large screen 9xx series which have better antennas.

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On 11/18/2015 9:04:58, BuffaloBill said:

Trouble is though Ray, you need to be a 'Smarty Pants' too

so that you can use it!:naughty:

When do you start the lessons? :D

Bill, I signed up for the course, but couldn't find the lecture room. :dunce:

On 11/18/2015 11:22:35, ZimbiIV said:

Regulo, be careful tethering is not usually allowed in contracts and mobile providers can get sniffy if they catch you.


I don't bother with contracts, just use a 321 SIM from Three. It suits me, I don't stream hours of video, just general internet surfing and e-mails, odd text and phone, and £20 lasts me all season! Anyway, why should the provider worry about tethering? Surely it's you who's paying to have it delivered to your phone, what's it got to do with them what you do with it?


On 11/18/2015 1:29:41, JawsOrca said:

Did it actually work in Norfolk??

Mostly, yes. The usual blackspot of Horning was a no-no, but elsewhere seemed OK. The South side of the Neatishead arm of Barton was dead, but move 100 yards to the North side - full signal! That's how hit and miss it can be.

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I don't know why they object to tethering but if you read the T&C's even on payg  it usually mentions it.

How they could find out beats me.

Personally I prefer mifi so we can both play, me on here Jill on ancestry and like payg you cannot run up a big bill.

I never register a credit card for top ups just put another sim in when 1 runs out of time.


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