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Frosty this morning


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I know I said on another topic a little while back that I love winter, well, scrap that, it's ruddy freezing where I am.

Don't worry everyone, it will soon be spring/summer and then we can all moan about how hot it is, those dreadful people that keep us awake with their engines running, BBQ's on the gas locker and all sorts lol. Keep warm everyone :kiss


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When we left the hotel Wroxham this morning we found ice on the windscreen and on the soft top, we saw a number of cars on our way down to Brundall that were covered in snow.

We checked out the new section of canopy that Jeckells did for us, we showed our latest owners around the boat again and the marina.

Finally at home, rain for most of the way back home, its been raining for most of the weekend, but it was good to be away. 



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Looks like we had the right week to be on Lightning?. We came back a week ago. Mind you, the drive back was a nightmare, with torrential rain at times.  I find it very strange, when we go to the boat, we always leave at 6am ish, and the drive up is alway enjoyable, and never seems to take long. The drive back however, exactly the same route, always seems so long and labourious, and very tiring.

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In the great scheme of things, Winter is fantastic because it comes in just as the novelty of driving a 350 mile round trip to Norfolk nearly every weekend is beginning to pall a bit. It gives you time to spend with friends and family in front of a roaring fire. It is properly cold and dark at night, so you sleep properly, it gives you time to do all those jobs around the house and garden which have been neglected during the boating season and there is Christmas in the middle of it to cheer you up when the days are shortest. January and February are for planning the exploits of the coming year on the water, deciding which little jobs you are going to do on the boat (or not) and maybe mending those air horns and the other broken bits of boat that are small enough to bring home. We do visit the boat once a month during the winter, but tend to stay in hotels - which adds another dimension, and we can look forward to being back on the boat in early March, weather permitting, refreshed and raring to go.



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