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Yesterday i found out on facebook that a friend, who i had`nt seen for a couple of years, had died suddenly in hospital after a short Ilness. 6 years ago (remember that), he was warned by doctors to give up alcahol, or he would be dead within 3 months. He was so shocked and scared, i heard he never touched another drop.  He was married 3 months ago, went on honeymoon and did`nt feel well. After they returned, he went to his doctor, and was refered to hospital, where he had been in several times, and was in hospital when he died on Friday. Now remember, he was warned off it 6 years ago, and although he may not have died through drinking at the time, this had a drastic efect on his ability to fight off serious illness.  ..................He died at the young age of 38.

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47 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:


Shocking.  Sorry for your loss and even more so for a wife of only 3 months - terrible, his family must be devastated


It`s just another sad story from a sad family really Griff,  His dad died of alcahol abuse, but was much older than Andy was, and his mum died of cancer several months back. He has a brother, who is now all alone.  To be honest, this year has not been good for Karen and me, with the loss of another friend, who died in childbirth. She was only 39.  2015 has in some ways been a good year for us, but in some ways it`s definielt been a year to forget.

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