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35 boatyards and then there were . . .


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Up North.....

Barnes, NBD, Richardsons, Horizon, Bridge, Summer Craft, Royals

Down South

Broom, Silverline, Sandersons, Alpha. 


There are a smattering of houseboats too. 


Ferry, Herbert Woods, Martham Boats, Maffets, Pacific, Freedom all independent. 


(have I missed anyone?)

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Our second trip to the broads was in 2001 . I have a shocking memory . Does any one recall the name of the boat yard in stalham . It was only a small yard the only thing I can recall is you could literally drive your car to the boat to off load your belongings .. I'm sure I can recal the the guy in charge saying they were merging with another company the following season.  Any help to put me out of my misery would be gratefully received . 

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Horizon Craft was at Acle. I think they now call it Bridgecraft. It became part of Richardsons in the 70's.

Stalham Yacht Station became Stalham Yacht Services when Pat Simpson took over from his father, again in the 70's. He later leased it to Rivercraft and it is now part of Richardsons.

John Williams is an old friend of mine as well. Happy days!

Anyone remember the Bradbeers agency? The red Whale?

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Horizon and Bridge craft are separate businesses with separate owners. Perhaps you mean Anchor Craft, Vauhan?

Yes, I forgot Maycraft which as one holiday letting boat, I believe. (Hampton Safari)

Whispering Reeds has only houseboats for hire according to the web site. 

If you start to count day boat operators, there are more, but the thread was originally about Hoseasons yards. 

Day Boats then 

Wroxham launch Hire
MC Marine (wroxham)
JB Boats, Ferry Marina, Horning Village Marina & Boulters in Horning
Moonfleet (richardsons) in Stahlam 
Bank Boats (Wayford bridge)
I believe that Pam Waters is starting day boats from Ludham Bridge. 
MayCraft - Herbert Woods - Phoenix - Potter Heigham
Martham Boats and Martham Ferry (ahem, Martham)



Bridge Stores  (St Olaves)
Doug Ashley (St Olaves)
Oulton Broad Day Boats
Waveney River Centre (Burgh St Peter)

Pacific (Loddon)
Hippersons (Beccles)
CC Marine (Beccles)

Buccaneer (Brundall)

Freedom (Norwich)



Again, if I have missed anyone, please let me know. 





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