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Broadland Panorama - 1960 Hoseason Promo Film


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Oh, I love, love, love this one!. The latest upload for Broadland Memoriies is a perfect example of how to promote a boating holiday on the Norfolk Broads.

In 1960, Hoseasons commissioned the M.F. Unit to produce "Broadland Panorama", a 23 minute long guide to the range of Hoseasons holidays which were available in Norfolk, concentrating predominantly with boating on the Broads. It's an absolute joy to watch, a Broadland before my time which shows so much that has gone, but it's a film which never the less encapsulates the appeal and all that I hold dear about the Norfolk Broads today. The film starts with the family's arrival at the boatyard in Oulton Broad in a brand new Vauxhall PA Velox. Their boat for the week was what would have been the flagship of Hoseasons fleet, the 38ft, 8 berth Mayqueen (renamed Caribbean for this film), which cost between £33/10 and £66 to hire in 1960.

"Lenny" takes the family on their trial run before they are let loose on the River Waveney. There are so many highlights as the family cover both the northern and southern rivers, pausing to enjoy the town of Beccles, the Roman remains at Burgh Castle, great Yarmouth seafront and Pleasure Beach, yacht and powerboat racing at Oulton Broad, refuelling at Bridgecraft and shopping at Curtis Stores at Acle Bridge. Local crafts and skills such as boatbuilding thatching and flowers made from feathers at Pettitts in Reedham are seen and the virtues of a number of riverside pubs and hotels are stressed! We get a glimpse of the famous boat bar at Ranworth Maltsters, Reedham Ferry Inn and the Lord Nelson at Reedham plus dancing at a local village hall (the Swan pavilion at Horning perhaps?). As a filmic version of their holiday brochure houseboats, and riverside bunglaows fitted with all the mod cons are also covered before the sunset finale back at Oulton Broad.

Sadly, there is very little in the way of credits or information available about Broadland Panorama. I don't know who the actors were but wonder what happened to little "Fiona" who I'm guessing must be around 60 now.



My sincere thanks once again to Video Impact of Loddon for assisting Broadland Memorie by digitizing this and other cine film without charge. It is a very kind gesture for which I am extremely grateful. A massive thank you too to everyone who has made a donation to Broadland Memories over the last year which has enabled me to continue to purchase and give public access via the website to such wonderful (and important) examples of Broadland's history such as this and other cine films, ephemera and photographic collections. You are all stars cheersbar




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Re Lenny, he was supporting the bar at the sailing club last summer! There is a shot of sailing, judging by the classes of boat racing I think it must have been Oulton Regatta, where there is a lady at the front of a Broads One Design, she's wearing sun glasses and a blue shirt, Lady Beryl Mayhew of the Colman Mustard empire. She regularly raced at Oulton Broad until she was over ninety. I recognise a few other faces, just can't put names to them. Worth a few more watches, might come up with a bit more.

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2 hours ago, Labrador said:

I wondered about Oulton Week JM, there appears to be some sort of fair in the park. Could it be sunday at the end of OW?

If I remember correctly the fair also used to turn up for Whitsun. There aren't that many boats in the Yacht Station. Nothing really convincing, either way. Yes, it could be the Sunday at the end of the regatta but no obvious visiting class boats. Perhaps we shall never know! 

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This film is now some 56 years old and shows someone like me who was not around when this was filmed, how life was.  I like the fact it is not overly staged, the music was just right and narration too.  

What makes this very special to me is the way the holiday is shown to be what boating is all about – exploration, adventure and activities.  It reminds me of when I was young and going on the first Broads holidays, I remember the fact that having breakfast on the boat seemed all the more special, and deciding where to go and itching to get going as other boats were about before us. 

The boat looks stunning, and the interior, those berths define what a boat should be – cosy and well designed as to space.  The modern boats we see today in comparison look almost clinical, where berths and cabins are now called bedrooms and they are perhaps trying to be too much like a floating home.

What a gem and Peter's background in this thread just brings it further to life. Great stuff!

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Really enjoyed watching that.

On 20 January 2016 at 0:39 PM, LondonRascal said:

It reminds me of when I was young and going on the first Broads holidays, I remember the fact that having breakfast on the boat seemed all the more special, and deciding where to go and itching to get going as other boats were about before us. 

I'm another one who likes to be on the move sooner rather than later. That's one thing we really like about being on the Broads in June with the maximum daylight hours. Last year we were often away from our moorings around 8am.

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Pleased that people have enjoyed this film too.

The quality is so good because it is 16mm film stock - it's also a really nice, clean copy too. I suspect it must have come from a film library. I have another commercially produced 16mm Norfolk Broads travelogue which I believe is 1950s or possibly even 1940s which has just gone off to be transferred. We no longer have a 16mm projector (ours died and was beyond economical repair) so it's unseen until I get it back. It adds to the excitement I suppose!



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