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Sailing over the Atlantic Ocean


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A True Sailing Adventure 


I keep meaning to share this with you all, for frankly I am in awe of anyone who decides to ‘let the lines go’ and head off over the Atlantic on their own.

Guido is one of these people and this sums him up:

“My name is Guido Dwersteg, born in 1970 and living in the city of Koblenz/Germany.

I started sailing in 2008, when I was already 37 years old. Before that time I have never been on a sailing yacht before. In 2012 I made my dream come true and sailed single-handed around the Atlantic Ocean. My boat is Carpe Diem, a small Bavaria 32 Holiday from 1997.”

So in just 4 years he went from not knowing his bow line from his Spinnaker to crossing the Atlantic in a 32ft boat.  Hats off to him! I know this is not about our beloved Norfolk Broads, but there are many who sail, some who aspire to and others who sit back and think wow so always good to see people who have a dream and make it come true.

The film is really well edited, considering he has had to overdub in English with some great scenes and a real sense of adventure throughout as we are taken along the Dutch, German and French coast line stopping at various ports, then heading south to Spain the Portugal then down to the Canary and Cape Verdean Islands. From here it is 21 days nonstop to the Caribbean – including finding your bilge filling with sea water in the middle of the Atlantic and having no idea where is coming in from.

You Tube Link for videos.  | Website for full Documentary download - Just $20.00 (about £14.00)

Really worth taking time out and watching :)

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