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I have a Wilds Bermuda 34 but over the years it has had a few alterations and identity changes etc etc.

Does anyone know where there may be any identification markings on the boat or engine and how I would go about tracing the history of the boat?

It would be great to make contact with anyone who had previously owned the boat or even rented her and see any old photos they may have when it was in its prime!

Cheers, Tony.

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Yes care is needed. Brilliant had a sister, Emerald, and herself was renamed Gannet (???) for a while. It was confirming that Emerald had been broken up that settled a clear identification for Brilliant  there is a drawer labelled with her name but a bit more confirmation was available.

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Unfortunately there are none of the original fittings inside as the previous owner stripped it all out and refitted it with a new kitchen and 'open plan' everything else lol.

I was thinking of sanding back the paintwork on each side of the bow to see if any ident numbers come shining through, would they tie up with any records held anywhere does anyone know???


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