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Posts posted by speirshannah

  1. Thank you so much Jill. This is really helpful to know these things. It's not a reality yet, as I don't even know of anyone that I could approach to speak to about doing this. Do people even do this? I just am very keen to experience living on a boat, at least for a few months, and I don't know how else to go about it. I'll keep all of what you've said in mind though. Can you suggest any way other way of me taking this forward (if I do decide that water life is for me)?

  2. Thanks for the welcome. Yes I posted this a few times, I wanted to make sure I got a reply and some advice because I really don't know where to start. This is something I've wanted to look into for a while. It wouldn't necessarily be long term, a matter of about 6 months or so - I just would really love the opportunity to experience this and to learn more about boats and living on them.

  3. Hi, My name is Hannah. I currently live in Norwich but I have always wanted to live on a boat. However, I don't know anything about living on a boat. I'm looking to rent a room/space on someone's boat so I can help them out, learn and have fun. I'm enthusiastic to get involved and to learn, and am easy to live with. If anyone has any suggestions of how I should go about finding a space on a boat to rent / who to contact then PLEASE let me know.

    Thank you

  4. Hi, My name is Hannah. I currently live in Norwich but I have always wanted to live on a boat. However, I don't know anything about living on a boat. I'm looking to rent a room on someone's boat so I can help them out, learn and have fun. I'm enthusiastic to get involved and to learn, and am easy to live with. If anyone has any suggestions of how I should go about finding a space on a boat to rent / who to contact then PLEASE let me know.

    Thank you

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