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  1. Just to give you all an update on this, as soon as we were made aware of this problem we contacted the Broads Authority who sent rangers out to the boat. The helmsman has been interviewed under caution and the case is currently still under investigation pending further interviews. The party concerned returned home yesterday. We are as disappointed as the rest of you by this behaviour and if we have any indication that a party is going to be disruptive or troublesome when they arrive we will refuse to let them depart and will cancel their holiday. That said once they have left the boat yard we are reliant on the public to let us know of any problems. In future can I ask that if anyone see’s Herbert Woods cruisers causing disruption or behaving in a dangerous manner please do let us know directly so that we can take action, our office number is 01692 670 711. Kind regards, Amanda
  2. Hi All, Photo's and links to media coverage are up on our Facebook page for anyone interested. Amanda https://www.facebook.com/herbertwoods?ref=hl
  3. Thank you for all your kind wishes. Just to confirm Le Boat are leaving the Broads and we are currently in discussion with a number of their staff about opportunities at HW. In reference to the number of Light names it is nothing more than a marketing tactic. Few boats with different names, let better than than many boats with one name. This was something we found when we took over Herbert Woods and as such have limited the number of cruisers in each class to three.The only science I can put to this is that it creates an illusion of scarcity which then in turn increases demand. As Dan mentioned some of the cruisers will be non pet and within the Emperor class there are three different cabin layouts which will also be highlighted by the different names.
  4. Thanks Andy yes we will be repricing to bring them inline with the rest of our fleet.
  5. Morning All, I though you would like to be one of the first to know about our recent purchase. http://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/blog/norfolk-broads-boat-hire/herbert-woods-announce-purchase-of-cruisers/ Kind regards, Amanda
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