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Posts posted by Lucky

  1. Are the BA just playing their usual game, though? Will they agree to a 3.1% rise in the end and you'll all think you've had a good deal? Does PacMan fancy himself as a sort of really crap Bernie Ecclestone?

    Absolutely !!

  2. My concern with these above inflation increases for a specific reason, is why does it not get reduced after the project is complete. I'm all in favour of dredging and mooring repairs but once completed will my Toll be reduced again and if not where will the money go then?

    Yes agreed !! That reminds me of the Dartford Tunnel Toll. "Once the cost has been recovered there will be no charge"....... hmmmm....

  3. In our case this 6.2% increase would cost less than £22, which is hardly worth debating in boating costs.



    With all due respect and purely out of interest, what amount would be "worth debating" Alan?

    Based on this years probable increase, this would cost us a further £38 next year. Add this to the increases over the last five or six years then this is quite a lot of money would you not agree?

    A little bit here, a little bit there is how our system of tax started. So, today, out of every £1 you earn, how much is actually really yours ?  20p / 30p .... less ??


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  4. Glad you are keeping an eye on my boat 24/7 Peter !!  :roll:  Perhaps you could take a picture and post that up as well ?


    You'll have no problems in the RC Eric except at spring low, then keep clear of the North side - that's about it really. Just one tip = when looking at the houses, try not to use binoculars as this often offends, as witnessed by a hireboat last weekend !  :grin:

  5. A quick search:-


    A shop has advertised a product at £10. I have tried to buy it but they have said the product is actually £20 and they made a mistake. Do they have to sell me the product at the advertised price of £10?

    This is a question best answered from both a civil and criminal point of view.

    Civil law = your rights as a consumer against a business. If your civil rights have been breached you can take a business to civil court and one remedy is monetary damages. 

    Criminal law = action that can be taken by a public body to prosecute a business for breaking the law. This usually ends in a fine or prison.


    When you buy an item from a shop you and the shop are entering into a contract. Let take an example of buying a product from a supermarket.

    You go into the shop and see a price label for £10. This is an invitation to treat. This is basically the shop saying we will take £10 for the item if you are willing to offer it.

    When you take the item to the till you are making an offer. Which is basically saying 'I am willing to offer you £10 for this item'.

    The £10 you are offering is consideration. This is you promising to pay them £10. The shops promise or consideration is the item they are going to give you for the £10. Most contracts have to have some form of consideration (although not all).

    Finally, the shop can decide whether to accept or not. At this stage they can still refuse to sell you the product and they are under no obligation to. Only when they have accepted your offer is the contract complete and they are bound to sell you the product for £10.

    Both parties must be willing to enter in a contract and there must be a meeting of the minds. This is where both sides are totally clear what the terms of the contract are. Clearly if the shop and customer disagree on the price there cannot be a meeting of the minds.

    Some shops will sell you an item for the price they have marked it just for the sake of good customer service but they are not under a legal obligation to do so.

    So, effectively there can be no contract until the shop accepts. 

    From a practical point of view it is pretty easy to see this in practice in a real life shop as the contract usually complete when they take your money and give you the item.

    Its a bit more difficult with online transactions because it is not always clear when a contract has been formed. In the past online retailers would accept as soon as you made a payment. However due to a few cases where shops lost money through pricing mistakes most shops now only accept your offer when they send the item out. This means even if you pay for an item, the shop has not actually accepted your offer even though they have taken your money - this means they can cancel the order. You should read the terms and conditions of the retailer to see what their stance is on pricing errors and when the contract is formed.

    Finally, there may arise a situation where you have managed to pay for an item at a lower price and the shop has only realised after you have paid for the goods and taken the item (where the contract is complete for all intents and purposes). In this scenario the shop has sold you the item and you are not under an obligation to pay the difference, although you can do if you want to.

  6. Got home last night after a wonderful weekend on the northern broads with The Corsican and Broad Ambition to find this little fella dead in our garden.


    He was about eighty meters away from the Broad....  No obvious signs of damage, but looked very thin - although I'm not sure how 'fat' they are normally ....


    Phoned a few organisations but they don't seem to be very interested even though on the internet it says that these must be reported and someone will come along and collect it for a post mortem and also to make sure there are no pups around.





  7. I think the important part here, as you said is " Unfortunately I don't offer any mooring space as its not mine"  and the fact that you are off a beaten track. If you where in a high street with passing footfall then I would expect your rent for the property to be a lot more of course but passing trade much higher too.


    Naming people and boats that have not effectively done anything wrong but caused you a personal (or business) grievance is simply not right.. If you owned the moorings then you are quite within your rights to request them to move.


    Also, making statements like the following is not doing your business any good regardless of your personal feelings:-


    .....and just sit there sunning themselves 

    .....these selfish people

    .....they prefer to deny others a livelihood

    .....their already overdone tans.

    .....so i probably pay more toll than all the 27 footers

    .....I mean boating is about getting away from it all . Right?

    ..... these fleets of commodore wannabes


    I guess what I am saying is that it is a public staithe and you decided to open a shop there - why should people behave any differently now you are there (and totally within their rights) from before ?

  8. Just to be clear, it is "administration" not "liquidation" - there is a big difference.


    Hopefully there will be a buyer soon. Thoughts are with the 230 odd workforce that were made redundant yesterday.... :(

  9. Wish they worked externally! I've been trying to find a deterrent to keep spiders from building webs over camera housings. Tried the anti spider sprays and they were useless :lol:

    Hi Jim. We use WD40 sprayed around the housing and wall - keeps the little blighters off for about two months at a time...

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