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Posts posted by 650xs

  1. well not again more batts dying must be a disease.......


    chasing boats in horning today ..............


    heaters failing on yard ,nanni not pumping water and a river trial dun the rud


    all in a days work too.....


    whilst fixa a boot at horning bumped in to me ole friends with there classic 1930s powles ,so as I walked by I popped me ole head in ..ohh dear two boat owners inside engine room ........!!!!


    with a clowt or spanner and a poke with a screw driver she was soon on her way again and a nice cup orf tea too....


    plenty or ole boot at the staithe with a" gin palace " or two plugged in to the must have 240 volt stuff


    nice to see so many out and about come on winter cruise .....


    a good ole lemon scented oil lamp and meths stove for me, nun orf that ole new elastricity stuff to complicated and dangeroos too ....


    orf to hum now as up earlt in morn to sort boot s out on me sunday calls and get ready for the ole annual village qizz  might hav er saw head in morn ...grrrrrr...


    dam noo boot questions ........

    • Like 1
  2. word orf ole warning ..........................ball valves ...................



    when a ball valve is closed it will contain a small pocket orf ole fluid ,if that ole stuff is neat water it will freeze if the condtions are rite ..............


    remedy.......once circuit has  had mix of nun freezin stuff put in and sucked up ,open said valve and let a little anti freezin stuff run into it then close agian so alittle of the anti freezin stuff is locked in the little ole valve 


    do it quick not too slow ...........!!!


    simples ........................


    we have seen too many ball valves split over years......."up the gate valve "

    • Like 2
  3. at last got an engine which has been an **** to set up running ....................


    to work on this one with me ole knee pads on and as much room as the slack space in the ole womens braa


    a bit tight then .................


     staff.....so kind of one member to send in the ole wuss puss cold /flu chap in to visit me, being a man i can cope with all know flus and colds ...............


    not a chance in hell ..............no ..no one has had a cold like me .....!!!!!


    meet and greet hat on today for  along awaited propestive buyer ..come on  come hurry up........


    finish off making an outboard rack that i stated and just did,t quite finish.........



    diyer in shed doing well at mo with new transom in there boot and new extended rear cabin side too all with some ole praper wood don,t yer know ......


    wayford broads are slowly fading away as they do this time off year,goumarants have moved on and the large whale which was off our coast has finished feeding in my puddles and now back to iceland .......


    tow more boats arived yesterday for lift out with a whistle on the shore and standing on paraid i welcomed them ashore ......................


    reality......they turned up just as i was havin me ole desrerved lunch i swore and said ill show them .....stommed out or the ole office and waved plitly at them and welcomed them to the yard .....................grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....


    yeah that ll show them ............grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......


    customers who need s them ..................................umpphhhhhhh.................


    lovely to see yuo and how are yuo ..............


    i told them, i did ...................................


    once moored up and packed on there merry little way , yet another customer turns up with a ole rattly posh ole horse pullin thing from the chelsea area in londinim.......ahhh thats it a land rover ranger thinghy ....


    ha yer got a losse thinh in yar , i said ..............we lifted the bonnet to find one of them old posh belts that drive that ole air coolin stuff and decided to leave the area as known as" pulley beach "as it was cold this time off year so rite for them  to start heading off ........!!!!!


    he thanked me for giving him two lots orf bad news more probs with boot and me ole horse pullin thing broke to ...............thank yuo .....".yar welcome ole patner "



    took phone call to one of our most regular cutomers last eve ,whilst in deep conversation about findings and other works and paussed in mid flow to apologise for what i was about to do .......................


    he waited while i slid the ole window back in the office to shout lots or bestest rude wods at the ole goose to sod off, leave me alone and go and play with another goose of different gender..............


    i then slung a piece of palling granite rock "bread from the rejected bread bin at hum" in his direction ,he honked and waddled away  muttering to him self .......


    back to phone to explain what ive done when man said i,m sorry was that a cutomer, naa i said it s the damm goose ,he pecks so violently on the office wall out side it souds like a nial gunn 


    well he did laugh dunno why ..............................

  4. just alittle note ole rule apply ............


    better quality and correct batt, in rite situation .............


    cheap batt,,,cheap fridge   ,  not enough charge to batt banks ,poor wiring etc


    will result in sour milk,ice cubes melty and unhappy wiffy ....



    same ole thing get more appliance's and don,t in crease the power supply nor improve the poor ole charge circuit ......



    just a thought .............

  5. now then this ole boot is from a superb well kept fleet .........


    sitting nice and still waiting for the roar of that huge engine to go skining dun the river .............


    she was moored all alone and not a soul in sight either too busy inside or in the pub ...........



    as I had to drive on the river bank to access the broken boot along the bank  I disconnected the 240 power supply so as not to run over the posh ole cable in the gravel......



    if I had split the said mention cable I,m sure I would of got way with it .......!!!!


    not a bad pic if I say my self ...............



    I wonder if I,ll get a free boat next year for the add....!!!!!!








    • Like 2
  6. all done the batt was a bad egg....!!!!!!! and smell too.....


    still chasing boats around lots of people making use of the winter cruise and so yuo should .....................


    the rivers are great this time of year with new sight and sounds lots to see if yer stop a while and drift ..............



    met an old boat yard man this week on the river bank sad to see him with out his tool box and a batt in his hands but retiremnet does that to yer ........


    a dry week which mean the wayford broads are getting smaller yipee...................


    visit an outboard prob with rough gears selection ,once investigated found reverse poss dog done and top engine mount u/s.mid section bush worn and list of other things too......


    regular maintenance helps.........................................


    now back to my base for strip down and megga expense.......


    count down to launch the" hearts" boat is starting she will be in water soon with some stunning sign riting bow and stern .....


    whilst out and about this week i,ve been down loads of the back rudds and rat runs with some great meets with ole farmer palmers and other fellow white van men ,good ole boys ................ :naughty:



    sold some boots this week too.........................blimey keep coming in too.......


    little and large too........


    short of staff on sick this week ........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr  be illl some other time ................!!!!



    happy ahpppy .......................man ..............grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......


    rite i,m off to upset some one else .............................

    • Like 3
  7. well blast me .in more ways then one ..........


    called to a boot today to find a couple of sad batts that have left this life ,but with a bang or two ......


    bit off a mees and one was stil fizzing when o got there ,quick wash  and scrub down with some river water soon cooled the situation


    once ive cleaned the mess up I will return in day light to investigate further


    yard nice and dry today more boat s in or  works ,winter store and lift out


    nice to see some regulars turn up today too


    goose had arm restle with the ole mr fox and won or coarse ,"orfme land "


    good ole  "ziggs " he is the man


    no wiffy today so office soulless wife her  out ting at me telling me to stop jarring and get on with it

  8. cleaning a hull ................ummm....polish


    wear glove and spec too....


    old squirty  bottle of mix light fairey and water all to help luub as yer go and not get to dry


    read all intruc and warning on product yer use


    get rid of the lime scale build up first, use what yer like that works


    wash and rinse



    remove all fender,s ...........or push them ooot orf thay whey....


    if dry  place a wide beam marsking tape on the water line to protect the antifoul and to stop it geeting contaminated from all that ole polish and stuff


    don,t for get to remove ole tape  or leave it on for weeks and watch me larff.....!!!!


    if not, then stand and watch yer nice hull blend in to a red and blue blurr......!!!!


    use a good quality polishin machine with either a sponge mop of the correct grade or a wooly mop again which works best fort you ......


    if hull dull don,t go mad a compound the hole thing at once ....


    leave it .......wait a while and step back and see........


    do a test area first and let it stand a week or two if yer can let the wherther work on it and also you can see how thick yer ole gel is


    if it still bright and shiney and not gone milky or dull carry on


    now move yer ole head around and trunk a while


    look closely at yer hull or top can yer see the fibre s in the layup !!!!!..???


    be careful...........


    when yer polish/compound  do a area as big as yer arms can stectch and no more ...NO MORE .......


    yer know when its rite as it will clean ,polish and leave no residue as yer do it


    luub when dry ..experiment try it out


    keep yer polish machine speed low .....not to slow but not to fast ,naa scorchers ere.............


    its simple but yer can muck it up ..........



    watch them ole sign ritten names and vinyl stripe to easy to wipe them away ,don't press to hard and keep movin .....


    lookout for those ole fittings etc



    polish the same way ...............do it several times and build yer shine up to protect the ole light rays and grime runs  etc



    yer know when yer done a good job no streaks ,no smugging and during the year she still shine and wash with a wash and wax to keep .....


    protect the wood if yer got wooden rubber and be carefull ,no silly balancing act ole ole crappy ladders ...........



    have fun ...................



    warning...... do not use some old tin orf grandad best car poilish  that been in yer garge since the 60,s.................why .........


    cuz it,ll have some great ole rong ingredients like ammonia and stuff ,that make nice marks on yer hull with a machine ...!!!!!


    ask for the posh half decent stuff for fibre glass etc


    quality some time is best .............


    well some of my views on the matter .I,m sure each to there own ....


    let us know how yer get on .........??

    • Like 1
  9. yahoooooooooooooooo.....................................................


    done it ..................................


    i,m 50 today .............................go the ole magic 50 post........................


    a,m i in ......am i am i .........................







    read on ..........................








    i only done this to confirm mr richo,s ................bet .........!!!!!!



    ohh go on............ yuo were rite ....clive ........................

  10. blimmey it must of been the biggest jump from a fish I,ve ever seen here


    whilst moving around the ole place I crept up the deck of a 40 footer and then a huge jump and splash from what can only be described as a monster appered about ten foot infront of me ...whoosh


    I reckon it was my old enemy the " hunsett monster" come to tease me


    now where is me ole mate" lash up " hell back me story up too...????



    I,ll be back .................as it swam away ........

  11. now then boys and girls ..............


    me goose is driving me insane ,he pecks he hissies that's the norm


    he honk s ,he stop customer from leavin the ole yard ...that's the norm too


    its when I,m on the phone and he beat the livin daylights out orf me little office wall and peck at 500 peck per hour ,its cross between a nail gun and a air scrapper  with a honk or two thrown in for good measure ...


    if I lside the window open and shout at him he stops for second and then give a little honk as I shut the window to say "haa fooled yer "


    dam goose love him to bits but some times the dam thing drive mad .....


    good ole ziggs the only pedigree goose in narfolk yer now


    with a posh name of ziggystardust he is the man .....


    yard nice and quite today all plane gone to pooh......


    been fiddling with a intermittent faulty coil and charge unit ..grr love elecs ignition system s


    had a coffee with me ole mate "matt" and put the worlds to rites and discuss some boaty stuff then orf hum early as is sunday after all ....


    next week full to brim must get slip empty for next lot of ole boots too......

  12. :kiss blast me what with the rong  name and boot stand up rong way and all this negative post I,m a lucky chap ........


    and to top it all the nice chap who was coming to see me this morn has just cancelled "ohh err what a surprize"......grrrrrrrrrrr........


    I give him a firm hand shake when I meet him ......!!!!!


    now how many post is that......


    ar you counting clive ...????


    off back to work intbetween ritting waffles etc

  13. well blast me she blow this morn .i,m woken by the sound of hard rain and sleet on the window ....


    shell blow bad from the beach and the trees are a bending in more ways than ole bird we saw last week in yarco in that nice club ......!!!!


    gusting fron here and there...............brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....


    that make the ride to work this morn interesting 


    go to go in to meet a chap from the smoke coming to talk about boots and hopfully buy one .......


    well i,m back to making more wedges for  chocking boat did a box or two last nite till i had enough


    so the table saw number two is in use now as i blew the last one up ,not bad for two years of hard labour with me 



    i suppose as its not nice out side i.ll get a little ole two stroke which is a little temperamental ,more mental and a temper i think as wont run nice at all ....................


    that will be todays challange ,and make another outboard stand as running out or space nice long one to take 10/15 lumps ...


    i suppose will have to m ake some more boat legs too................fire the welder up and get the gimp marsk on ...


    i,m just celebrating this morn as for once i,m into the fridge and there to my delights a full tray orf " oeffs",yeah the teenage son who eats all in his path is away and the food is all mine .....................what luxury food in the house when i,m up in the morn its my time 


    little think about the day ahead at the mental factory,sit kick the dogs ,make a coffee or two ,have some herty breakfast  and sit a while and have some me time ,may be rite a tale or two .......then orf to upset the wife and quick out or the ole door shappest as i can....



    ohh today breeky four ole oeffs and alittle mlik of coarse and a pinch of mixed herbs  cook med heat  lay on some granary bread presented on a large plate with a little butter brushed on the toost to give it that salty taste  and of coarse a little pepper on last thing just befor  presented to" le table "


  14. some orf yer more observant will see i,m posting alot of rubbish and tosh on her ,there is a reason and i,m honest too.................


    reason .......................wifee watch thta ole dance with look at me failing carreer rubbish .........


    cold out side and too dark to work out side .......


    trying to better me old typo skills and give yer lot a chance to sample me best .......


    doing me bestest to get that magic fifthy number so i,m in the ole club ....!!!!!!!


    but at the rate i,m goin ill be 50 first in age .....


    waiting to get one orf tho ole black points on me name ......................!!!!


    also doing it to wind up thy neighbour .............".hello clive "



    and ive bored all me mates ,staff and now all me regular customer with me bore ole stories  even me ols sister and b inlaw refuse to listen           and they love ole boots and have a yard orf there own !!!!!!


    so ill spread me wings and bore a new sector .......


    so here goes for mor eto come ........................

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  15. look at the back of this ole unn...................


    she soon be back can,t take credit its all " alan,s work " well done ole boy.....


    now uncle sturt is in town "he is retired yer know" one of if not the best traditional local sign riter around 


    and he can,t make a cup tea ....!!!



    so her bum on this one will have a pucka name done the rite way no silly plastice lettrs here .....


    got untill the end of the month and she hit the drink for a while .......


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