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Posts posted by johnb

  1. We booked a night at Acle Travelodge this week in order to visit the boat and de-winterize it. We chose a cheaper booking which had a no cancellation clause. In view of the governments guidelines I cancelled the booking on line and it confirmed there would be no compensation. Absolutely no problem. But within a few hours we received a full value voucher to be used in the future. Well done travelodge- they may not be everyone’s cup of tea but they fulfill a need for us. 

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  2. Last year I was in the same position owing to having had an accident. BA were very understanding and promised to put a note on our 'record'. In the event Alan May came to the rescue at short notice.

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  3. In yesterday’s Daily Telegraph (I think it was!) there was an article about Londoners renting holiday homes in counties (Norfolk was mentioned) and paying large amounts for long term lets. There may be a brighter side for some in the holiday trade. 

  4. No. By my (wife’s) own choice we do not take our boat through ourselves but pay the pilot to do so for us, this restricts the times we can pass through but saves worry and repairs. So we Choose to pay extra to moor the other side by paying about £10 each way. Our choice, my cowardice. 

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  5. I couldn't decide a favourite mooring, mainly we like to be away from pubs etc. (I know that's unusual) but we're not unique. I would say along with Mark above that our home moorings are perfect for me, in that in having virtually no facilities it has everything. When we had engine trouble just sitting on the bank was a treat in itself, now we are moving again, we appreciate other places very much but when we arrive back at our mooring, the holiday hasn't finished until we drive home. As I couldn't think of a favourite and cannot really think of one I wouldn't like. It's the Broads, we are so fortunate to own a boat and can use it -every moment is precious. 

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  6. 47 minutes ago, marshman said:

    Again, I must say, with a few minor exceptions, you seem to be the only one bothered by all of this. On balance I am sure most people would prefer to see council employees more gainfully employed!! Each to his own though, I accept!!

    During the dreaded brexit debate those who held my opinions were called all Kinds of things usuallly owing to my age about which I can do nothing. Now i am a ‘minor exception’. Sorry written at the same time as above. 

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  7. I wonder if anyone would like to put their positive ideas forward in a job description etc. for a Ranger? My idea is not to criticize the present arrangement but maybe there are other ways. Bearing in mind there is a budget, I notice that the salary is considered low-average. My thoughts are, in view of this, would someone following a vocation rather than a career be suited to the position?

    It seems to me that two very different skills are required; in the summer boating skills, the ability and personal authority to deal with difficult situations, in the colder months, the physical ability to work on the bank sides etc.  Are these abilities always to be found in one person? Undoubtedly in some, but maybe not all.

     Is the ‘job-share’ always an ideal match? Is it possible to use different people for different seasons? Is there someone in the office who would love to be out there clearing in the winter? (!!)

    Leaving aside the present arrangements and negative feelings of the ‘yes man/woman’ needed and negative feelings towards BA itself, please.

    I realise these are more my questions than answers but I am sure there are many here who dream about doing at least some of the Ranger work-OK- I admit it- being paid to drive a launch around the Broads most summers, even with the occasional unpleasant moments that no doubt happen, appeals greatly. As for tree cutting etc in the winter, I am afraid I am not your man!!

  8. 40 minutes ago, Paladin said:

    Perhaps you would like to research just what that 'correct' colour would be. But first you'll have to establish into which precise legal category the signs fall. Are they boundary signs, information signs, direction signs, village signs or tourist signs? They can only be identified by terms used in the regulations. 'Marketing' is not such a term.

    But if they don't fit within those regulations, they could be advertising signs (again 'marketing' is not a word used in the Town and Country Planning Act), but then they would need planning consent, which they don't have.

    Thank you for the challenge, most of my family already think this subject is helping to send me crazy! The danger is that if at first, second or third they don't suceed they'll just keep producing more at public expense and they either get it 'right' or we just give up! (See how crazy it's sent me already-I'm already thinking 'they' would go further than imaginable......aren't I?) 

  9. If new signs are damaged by objectors, are those causing the damage liable under criminal or civil law? If the signs are not legal, could those placing them there in all conscience use the law to take the objectors to court? Some public bodies seem willing to spend the money given (charged) for other purposes to prove their point. Whilst I have no objection to any peaceful reaction to the signs, they are costing money, will some authority resort to putting a camera to identify the perpetrators? I think we should be very careful in case someone thinks they have the backing of this forum to take action-much as many of us enjoy the pictures!



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  10. During the 1980s/90s I was on a couple of bbc films when I called, prearranged, on elderly people. I rang the door bell of one lady, the camera man already filming. The lady answered the door but said she didn’t need us (she had known me For years so that’s probably why!) the camera was turned off And it was decided to start again, so everybody back into the lift, Out again, ring the Bell-no reply. Then I gently pushed the door to find that being practical, she had left the door open and was back sitting in her armchair. So mumbling something about she must be expecting us we entered and got on with the filming. So most ‘entrances’ on television are not the first -too many things can go wrong. We had 18 minutes of film for 9 minute slot, so it had to be edited by half, the folk were fantastic but not always politically correct so the editing started there. It’s not only animals and children who one has to be careful working with. 

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  11. Well 1935 is a bit before my time, although with a cold I’m feeling 85 today! I do remember my older sons playing on the pedal cars on Great Yarmouth sea front in the nineteen seventies. Think they were near the site of the sea life centre? I wonder when the electric boats stopped. There are of course battery equivalents today but they don’t have the character of the older ones in my opinion. 

  12. My first reaction is who and where for advertising the broads was hire companies and boat shows-obvious and basic. I haven’t visited boat shows apart from excel. Last time I visited I had a conversation with a lady representing a broads hire company. It transpired she had never visited the broads or had a boating holiday. I and I guess most people on this forum could speak with more knowledge and enthusiasm than her. She was prettier than me though....,

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