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Posts posted by CaptinDread

  1. I pick these spiders up all the time and remove them from my boat, I even antagonise them, never been biten by 1.



    quote]'Every day blood tests were taken the results of which didn't seem to explain what was wrong.


    not a spider bite then.

  2. Now if you want a different way of travelling on the Broads the Museum of the Broads are planning upon making a working replica of Nobby Clarkes Water Bicycle! 64f85faf68d9f2b43b39c4045b062a76.jpg

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    wonder if they need a bike mechanic....

  3. you need 2 harpoon guns, 1 on the front and 1 on the rear, as soon as you get to a mooring location let rip the harpoons and really drive those suckers into the object you want to be near and then just winch them back in to pull the boat to it.

    • Like 3
  4. new toy


    capable of seeing your boat 1/2 mile away and seeing you are all licensed even in the dark.


    Able to pick up heat signatures and water movement up to 1 mile.



    with new infrared technology plus 20MP high speed camera and can also measure your speed.




    but no, seriously, some of the old windmills look like old broken down daleks.




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