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Jayne Margymoo Stanton

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  1. Update on Ultimate One, eventually I got paid out and the ins co gave us the boat back so we decided to give the old lady a complete overhaul, so my partner has taken on this mission, so far he has totally stripped the boat down to her underwear as in only the hull was left, he is replacing everything new or whatever we can get our grubby mitts on, he has fitted a bow thruster plus a webasco heater and he spent 2 weeks getting all the old anti foul off, plus the grotty flashing. All the electrics have been replaced and new switches/rockers/nav lights are on order, he has replaced the elec jabsco head with a manual and totally re fibre glassed all the head compartment, his mission at the moment is making a new hood/canopy He has also made a hoop and swim deck and has made a new fibreglass dashboard as the old one was shabby One of the BMW engines had to have a complete overhaul which has been the most expensive purchase to date but the other engine runs like a dream there are still lots of things we need to buy for the old Lady, (really need a transducer for the gps I nearly passed out at how much they are gawd), so many other things we are doing that are to numerous to mention Dont think the old Lady will be back in the water this year but we have decided that she is going to have a name change when she does
  2. I have been offered the sale price back less whatever I can buy the boat back for but my insurance cover was for double the amount as I paid a higher premium for total loss as I cannot buy a similar boat for the same price so I am at a loss as to why am I not being offered the full or near amount, can anyone advise please Thank You Jayne
  3. HI all Just had the boat assessed Hi all Re: my drowned Sunseeker 31 I am wondering whether to buy back my boat to sell on, I think it would be too much to refurb myself My partner is going to run the engines tomorrow as he has done things to technical for me to understand to get them going, Has anyone any advice or comments on whether or not to re sell as is but with engines ok Thanks Jayne
  4. I had it insured with Navigator and General and I must say that the loss adjuster Mr Clark has been very helpful but I will have to wait now for the decision on whether I will be paid out, to tell you the truth I would much rather have my boat back all up and running but I dont think thats going to happen
  5. Thank you all for your replies they are much appreciated, I love the broads and that is why I bought my Sunseeker, mainly so that my partner and I could get away from the daily grind and spend time together mucking about on the river and we were looking forward to doing some cosmetic work to update the cabins and deck in the winter unfortunately the loss adjuster has indicated that my beloved boat will probably be written off as uneconomical, I am truly gutted
  6. This was my Sunseeker and I do not know who took that photo but I can assure you that this is no fraudulent claim, also I only had this boat for a couple of months I bought it earlier in the year from NYA at Horning so I can assure you that it was not us being obnoxious and roaring past you drunk and disorderly. I loved this old boat and I am extremely sad and upset that it has gone not to mention the fact that my partner was on the boat as it was sinking and nearly drowned
  7. hello I am new here, I saw your post about the boat that had sunk at the Beauchamp Arms and saw that you seemed interested in why it had sunk I can tell you that it was my boat. My partner had moored alongside the tug you see in the photo as the owner is a friend, my partner Brian had decided to stay on the boat overnight but was woken up as the boat had listed to one side and was rapidly taking on water, he managed to get out and climbed onto the tug, my poor boat was two thirds under water by this time.. The barrier you can see round it was put there by the broads authority to help stop diesel being leaked into the river My insurance company contracted divers to come and re-float the boat this was done about a week after the sinking and Brian had to bring a trailer to the slip as he had arranged for transportation to take my boat back home, trouble was the divers had left the boat half on the slip and then cleared of leaving Brian with no way to get the boat onto the trailer, luckily a local farmer offered the use of his tractor and someone else provided a winch so eventually the boat was then able to be taken away. After looking at the boat once it was out of the water it was found to have a split gator and I am assuming that this was the reason why it had let on water so quickly, I had only had this boat a couple of months and all I can say is that thank heaven that insurance is compulsory when applying for the river toll, I have been informed by my insurers that the boat is a write off as it would be uneconomical for repair which I am very sad about as I had loved that old boat
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