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Posts posted by Minigem

  1. No wonder I don't sign in to these forums often. Its easy! Just send in somebody to chop the top off the pile of rubbish with a damned great chainsaw and then dump a load of spare rhond , those "hovers" that plague the area would do nicely,  around the damned thing  and then bang in some warning posts around it and let nature take its course with the rest of it.

    Its a cheap and easy solution so what's the problem? Ah! provided it is a 9.00am. start, 15 minute tea break in the morning, hour for lunch, 15 minute tea break in the afternoon and no knocking off early! Four bods and a workboat should get that sorted in a day and a bit.

    Mind you BA don't have much control over their staff do they?   :default_biggrin:    :default_gbxhmm:   

    • Confused 1
  2. Unfortunately I left my car un started for quite a while and just looking after the battery with a battery charger. I just had a look at my dashcam and although it retained my car number and everything stored on the card the date and time was set back to 2013. Now, I am not a person to dob in the many Top Gear viewers who drive like total pr**s on our roads, as long they do not involve my car in their pathetic antics in cars that perhaps need some attention to their exhaust system and a lobotomy for the drivers, I just need some evidence should my car be involved in an accident. 

    Just check that your dashcam if you have one that the date and time is correct. If used in court it may be thrown out as evidence as the information is incorrect. Just plug it in now and again to a mains phone charger thingy and charge the internal battery to keep the information fresh. 

    Sorry about my opinion about some of the "drivers" but if they want to drive like idiots kindly take your piles of s**t to a race track and kill or maim yourselves there.  I would like to put a tin helmet emogi here but the website will not let me do it.

    • Like 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

    With thanks to Wikipedia...

    The Soup Dragon: a benign, female creature with a penchant for Green Soup.

    So there you have it.

    Thanks for that MM.

    It looks like I have dropped a clanger there. Green soup! are you taking the pea there? 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Minigem said:

    I always liked the Soup Dragon. Perhaps we could cobble a constellation of stars to honour her. 

    Oops! Perhaps the Soup Dragon was a he. What does the panel think? Probably best thought about after a few drinkies! 

  5. 2 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

    I'm waiting for the Iron Chicken to appear !  :-)

    I always liked the Soup Dragon. Perhaps we could cobble a constellation of stars to honour her. 

  6. My old beast, well not a bad motor and not that old, has been laid up for three months now and I have made sure that the battery has been kept up and the engine run occasionally. Well, as lockdown is being somewhat relaxed I went for a trip, no not with the silly b's bunging up the coastal towns and beauty spots but to visit my bank to pay off my balance of my credit card (I hate paying charges), buy some veggies at the local farm shop and buy some lettuce seeds and fertiliser for my veggie garden.

    The gist of this post is that my electric windows did not work. Dammit! the car was hot and as the air intake for the air system just takes air from under the front scuttle. After a few miles on my trip possibly from all the vibration from the bumpy roads the windows eventually worked. I was dreading the thought of taking off all the door skins and freeing the internal gubbins.

    So, if your old beast is sitting in your driveway , wind up the engine now and again just operate the electric windows to keep them free. I had to do the freeing job on my last car which had been laid up by the previous owner and it is a blighter of a job.

    Keep safe everybody! 

    • Like 3
  7. I run an outboard motor built in the late stone age. It runs perfectly on "dead" petrol. The problem is that as engines get "improved" they become more finnicky. Give me a good solid old lump of an engine any day.

    Personally I would mix that "dead" petrol at about 20 to 1 with good stuff and use it in the engine. Why waste it? 

  8. 17 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

    I hope people do not mind me bringing up Elf and Safe Tea but I sincerely hope that the glass within touching distance is of the safe type,. I remember years ago when my mother tripped and fell through the glass on dad's greenhouse. It was only the quick thinking of the next door neighbour that stopped her from bleeding to death and took her straight to hospital. She was left with a scar almost the length of her forearm.

    In later years, I always armoured my greenhouse with wooden sheets etc. when my young rather active nephew visited as I could never live with myself if it happened to him.



  9. On 12/05/2020 at 18:23, Smoggy said:

    What size stick did you hit it with?

    I usually find a two pound club hammer works admirably on most things. However, please don't use it on the wife, or hubby for that matter.

    • Like 1
  10. Personally I would say that C-19 will do an incredible amount of damage to the Broadland economy. I have heard many times over the years from many businesses "we make our money in the Summer time to see us through the Winter". I can foresee many pubs closing down completely due to no tourism money as local trade could never make up for the losses.

    With regards to boat hire, just think about the extra cleaning and indeed disinfection of a boat between hirers, that will take more than the few hours on turnaround days and therefore mean employing more staff at extra cost if turnaround is to be completed on the same day not to mention the cost of disinfection equipment and chemical spray.

    It is no wonder that Tim Martin (Wetherspoons) told his staff to find other jobs if they could instead of furloughing them and he has or had pubs in prime situations with year round trade. I predict when he opens again he will have fewer pubs.

    Also, it may be doubtful that people will have the spare money to spend on expensive holidays when this is all cleared up, I heard on the news the other day that the country is verging on a national debt equal to what we had after the second world war. Then the country was virtually bankrupt, taxes will rise and spare money will no longer be the case for the many ordinary working people. 

    • Like 3
  11. Yes MM and Poppy, as locals you recognise it as a prominent feature of the River Stort at Sawbridgeworth, pronounced "Satsworth" by locals or also known as "Sorbo". Thanks for keeping quiet.

    Well done w-album and astonsong for the correct answers too. It is the riverside maltings at Sawbridgeworth, a very impressive building which last time I saw it was covered in ugly signs of the businesses that occupied it.

    The photo was taken something like 25 years ago on slide film. I put it up on a screen with my slide projector and photographed it with my digital camera.

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, ChrisB said:

    I think you are right. But I would like to add one word of caution to bear in mind if you are before before retirement :-

    Give considerable thought before you "Break Service" with your current employer. It will be an uncertain world in commerce and industry for a very long time and you could end up in the "Last-in, First-out" category having kissed your severence goodbye.

    Sage advice for people who wish to continue working in another company.

  13. 17 hours ago, Ray said:

     I worked under people that I had to cover for and couldn't do the job, I've worked with the lazy and the incompetent.


    I will second that! The problem is that usually these people when pulled up about their failings usually make a lot of noise, threats of legal action, bringing in the union if one is there and they get away with it. That is why my job went to pieces when I left, it was left in their useless hands.

    When I went back for my colleagues retirement my manager would not even speak to me. They played the game and I won and they were bad losers. After half a working life of aggravation, stress, abuse and not being appreciated revenge was sweet. I knew exactly what would happen and it did happen.

    • Like 1
  14. This bit was an edit that did not quite make it because of the crappy internet network disconnecting me. 

    Since then I have never looked back. I usually spend eight weeks a year out in my boat, get up when I want, go to bed when I want, have all the time in the world to potter in my garden, do house, boat and car maintenance and repairs, go round and have a few jars with my friends, sit out in my garden with my morning cuppa and generally enjoy myself.

    I have come to the conclusion that work is only a way of earning money. If you don't need to work, don't do it, go and enjoy yourself, there is a life out there. The company will still be there when you are pushing up daisies and you might be an "oh yes I remember him" if you are lucky. 

    • Like 7
  15. Personally I never did want to go to work in the first place. I had plenty of things to do to keep me occupied and when I did get a job back in the mid sixties it got in the way of my spare time. Anyway, resigned to the fact that I did not come from a filthy rich family I had to earn a living so I buckled down to the task of working for a very large international company that at the time were fairly benevolent to their staff. We had a decent subsidised canteen, sports club, London allowance, a generous sick pay scheme and I was supplied with all my working clothes for free.

    Anyway, I considered that was worth giving up my spare time for so I knuckled down and did what I considered a decent job for my company, albeit sometimes dirty, heavy lifting and having to deal with some awkward stroppy people. I was proud of my job and the company I worked for.

    Around half way through my working life the board in their infinite knowledge decreed that it was the company's job to make money, and by heavens they were making pots of it, not to feed the staff and give them the few perks that made the job worth doing. Down the drain went my job satisfaction in an instant. They introduced a new pay scheme which wiped out my seniority and introduced a "matrix" thingy that nobody really understood except the fact that it was a way to reduce wages.

    On the up side, a few years down the line I seized the opportunity of early retirement and grabbed it with both hands. I went back to a colleague's retirement and somebody said to me that the area that I covered had completely gone to pieces and was causing a lot of disruption. My answer was that it was no longer my problem and I did not give a damn. Obviously the management had underestimated my worth to the company and let me retire to save a few coppers.




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