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Cruising Times On The Norfolk Broads - A 'metro' Style Map

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2 hours ago, NotDeadYet said:

I've only now got round to taking a look at version 1.  No idea if it's an oddity in my setup, but a format issue seems to have crept in. It's most obvious in the display box for the Key (the actual abbreviations have gone AWOL), also appears in the various Notes boxes (text cut off at the beginning of each line), and has caused many of the abbreviations in the main body to be cut short. There may be a connection with the shift of the BA abbreviation from before the location to after it - the abbreviation shows as just B.

As I said, these issues may be unique to my setup, but thought you'd like to know. It does underline the difficulty of maintaining a complex work such as this one.  Anyway, I'm going to use the original - it has none of the issues and I prefer the position of the BA abbreviation  for the reason you mentioned above.  Thanks again for this splendid labour of love.

Many thanks for the heads up. I hadn't noticed it on my laptop but I do see the issue on my phone now you mention. Some investigation required! Currently working on my model railway but once I've completed the current project there, I shall get on it.

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