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Local radio has mentioned that a number of boats have been broken into at Brundal


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27 minutes ago, Wildfuzz said:

Well this is an emotive subject to many...... and rightly so. I do however reiterate that our perception of public services and what and how they are delivered is going to have to change. We have to accept that we will no longer see a GP at the surgery it will be a nurse practitioner, that the local bobby is long gone, that police attending every call is gone, good service in retail establishments is waning, local shops pubs banks , post offices garages are all closing for out of town retail parks. Letting children out to play during the summer holidays is a concern, identity theft, bank fraud and on line scams are increasing, we live longer, earn more save less and are less charity minded.

Times they are a changing................

Puts soap box away and shuffles stage left.:wave

All true (unfortunately )

Think how much worse it would be if we were immortal.

(That's cheered everyone up).....:rolleyes:

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