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Posts posted by newf

  1. Bruce as usual a wealth of information and I wish I had the ability to absorb it all but you have once again explained things more so than the tutorials. I'll now carry on to the next hiccup,

    See you on the 21st.


  2. Morning Bruce, Thanks for that, solved one question. Next one, when I include descriptive text on a pic. and go to the next pic. the text follows into the second one but I need to maybe change the text for this, do I save the first pic. before going onto the second and if so how ?

    Colin :oops:

  3. O.K. all you lightroom buffs I could do with some help . I have been battleing with the slideshow module and although some progress I am stuck. I have tried tutorials but some basics seem to be missing. I have been experimenting and after some success I need to undo all I have done and start again but I cant find how. :oops: also how to save each shot before going onto the next. Any help appreciated


    Colin cheerscheers

  4. and another one........I have seen rather nice looking grayscale piccies with areas of colour bought back in, I would like to try this with some photos of my grandchildren, can this be done in Lightroom ?


  5. OK so just to bring this down a peg or two this is my dumbo question . Whilst I am not intending to produce top quality stuff like you lot I would like to improve somewhat, if possible :-D :-D I have downloaded the free copy of Lightroom 2 and looked at some of the tutorials and at first glance I think I might get the hang of things but why photoshop as well, do they go hand in hand, does one do what the other doesn't. At my level I can't justify even to myself , getting both.

    Newf :oops:

  6. If you have any issues with your BSS exam there is an option to contact the BSS office and complain. This can initiate , as in my case and if they feel it is warranted, a visit from one of their chief examiners .

    In my case, which is still ongoing at the moment so I don't want to elaborate to much, I purchased my boat with a cert. which became due for renewal in Sept. The exam bought to light issues that obviously should have been picked up at the original exam and some that could have happened since.

    My case is still in the process but believe me once you complain they really do a thorough job.


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