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Posts posted by andyg

  1. 2 hours ago, Broads01 said:

    Thanks for all the replies. I didn't realise you could drive on to the Staithe itself, I always thought it wasn't allowed. I had visions of trudging luggage a long distance but I was wrong it seems. They're on my list of possibles for next year. I haven't hired a Hampton since 1989 and I do fancy it.

    Andy, I think there other Hampton is just a day cruiser but I could be wrong.

    They offer Mon Fri Sat as start days, so I'm assuming it's two boats. But they do look good value.  

  2. 20 hours ago, NeilB said:

    Been to the Lion twice and the White Horse about 4 times this year.  The White Horse is much closer to my home mooring but I do feel it has the edge over the Lion.

    I'd have to agree with you Neil, I enjoyed both pubs but found the white horse to be the better overall experience. The food was excellent in both venues to be fair. 

  3. They bring the boat upto the Staithe Simon you can drive onto it to load up. I've no idea where the allocated parking space is though. She does appear to be good value. I think they have two in the class now, both were moored at the yard a few weeks back when we went past look well maintained tbh. 

    • Like 1
  4. Cracking looking fleet his putting together at HPC, never met Clive before but always comes across as a very helpful kind of guy and he clearly knows what his doing. Think the new boat is going to look fantastic when she's launched. Brave man to step out of the family business and go it alone. Good luck to him and all the other little yards that work so hard trying to keep us all afloat. 

    • Like 3
  5. If you can afford 3 weeks hire at todays prices then the odd couple of hundred quid topping the beast up shouldn't be a problem. Only kidding 😉 personally I'd wait till I was halfway through my trip and fill her up again. Boulters seem to be where everyone heads..

  6. Personally I think we're all in for a financially tough 12/18 months. It won't be the 1st tough year the hire yards and broads have had. I believe the yards that are left are pretty robust have a solid customer base and will pull through. I can't think of any small yard that's left that isn't busy. Fingers crossed they weather the storm and still continue. Personally I believe totally that the broads hire industry is a much better thing with small independent hire yards. 

    • Like 5
  7. Spot on Vaughan, just take richardsons as an example. I reckon even Clive or Paul would struggle to know the full tech specs of fleets they have purchased over the years. I assume they leave that to their engineering department. I don't think it's an unfair question. Bridgecraft actually still equip there boats with a dip stick for fuel, something I haven't seen in years. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Meantime said:

    You might want to tell NISA to update their website then!!

    2017 It’s our 40th Birthday!

    2018 In May 2018 the Co-op completed its acquisition of Nisa Retail Limited.

    Link to NISA website


    They probably do need to. My info is 100% correct. Il stand by that. Don't take my word for it tho !! Pop into your local nisa and ask your nice local independent retailer. 😉 

  9. Nisa were are a wholesaler the same as bookers. They Operated a franchised network of approximately 2k stores. The co op do not own or operate any of the stores. Nisa wholesale was purchased by us back in 2018 as vehicle to promote and expand our brand ( basically we purchased the right to supply nisa stores )footprint in the retail food sector. All existing co op franchises were transfered across to the nisa brand. Nisa retail is still owned by its members and operate on a co op based business model. That's it in a nutshell. Obviously I'm a co op employee well retired since January. 


  10. 8 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

    That figures.  I’m sure I’ve seen Co-Op branded goods in Roy’s, Lathams and what used to be Throwers in Ludham.

    I was in throwers a couple of weeks back. I'm pretty sure that's owned by the East of England co op now. It's identical to one of there stores. Lots of work going on in the back ground for us with the nisa business. It will eventually be all brought in house.


  11. The co op doesn't own nisa, they purchased the wholesale rights to supply the 2k plus nisa store's nationwide. The co op wanted to expand the reach of its own branded products whilst off loading many of its franchised stores. The nisa tie up was seen a the quickest route to achieve this. Its been a huge success for them so far, norfolk and Suffolk are predominantly served by the East of England and Chelmsford start co op,s the Grey and Blue co op are co op group ( the big original co op based in Manchester) we don't own or operate many stores in the area. 

    • Like 1
  12. We were asked to try not run our engine after 8pm as a curtesy to other boaters whilst moored on our last hire craft. But by no means was it a legal requirement. I will always endeavour to have sufficient battery charge for the night. But I would never sit on a cold damp boat in the dark. If I absolutely had to run an engine after 8pm I would. I would explain myself to boats moored alongside of me. I remember as a teenager at places like sailhouse Ranworth loads of boat engines running after dark and many more boats mudweighting had there engines running. Unless its an exceptionally bad smoking engine or some nut running it at high revs personally I really done see a problem. The pollution argument thing is nonsense, do boat engines not pollut between 8am and 8pm ??. Some ppl are just to grumpy for there own good 

    • Like 1
  13. 59 minutes ago, Maxwellian said:

    We have hired Mayfair from them 3 times. Nice boat and excellent service. Call them when we got close by, and they bring the boat up to the staithe. You unload your belongings onto the boat. They have a reserved car parking spot very close by, park your car and they then take you down on the boat to their yard. Check paperwork etc and you are off. Reverse when handing back.

    recomend them highly.

    Thank you, I did assume it worked something like that. 👍 

  14. Don't think it would matter if you could see the corners Vaughan ppl seem to to use banks and quay heading as a brake. I think most of us know why the gaurd rail's have been fitted. After seeing the cctv and photos of the tragic accident at Yarmouth I'm of the belief a gaurd rail wouldn't of stop the outcome unfortunately.

  15. I've surprised myself, I saw her last week out on the river and I actually like her. I was chatting to the bridge pilot at Wroxham back in May and he said she's very luxurious inside and NBD had chucked a shed load of money at her during the build. Proof is in the pudding I guess and she appears to be letting very well even at the premium tariffs. I'm sure the 2nd one will be launched before the years out. 

  16. As most ex servicemen and women will tell you, after basic training and onward postings, you spend a huge sum of your own money replacing issued kit. Ie bergens,boots  Norwegians etc etc oh and of course a few home comforts for in the field and loo roll is top of most ppl lists 🙄 

    • Like 1
  17. 15 minutes ago, SteveO said:

    Tesco's white. Double size rolls. Goes in the bin - think Greek holidays.  Jabsco manual pumped heads x 2 and no problems to report.  

    Smelliest holiday I've ever had, the resort of nydri, can't remember the island name. Place stunk, flys everywhere. Shame really as it was beautiful and there was a very busy sunseekers base in the harbour. Hygiene wasn't high on the list unfortunately. 

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  18. 2 minutes ago, CeePee1952 said:

    Good ol' shovel recce! :default_rofl:Whilst we're "drifting" - out in the desert in the first gulf war, we used to save our empty bottles of water that were supplied to us, cut the bottom ends off, join them together and then stick them in the sand and use them as an urinal!  Kept the flies away! :default_blink:


    Old trick that one...

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