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Posts posted by riyadhcrew

  1. They took my license way for 3 years in October 1996 for speeding on the M23 on a Honda 1100RB. My license was clean and the judge said that if I was not leaving for Indonesia the following week - he would have locked me up.

    The police radar gun goes up to quite a high speed and his words to me were ''it's off the clock''.

    I had sold my bike and was on the last outing before handing it over to the new owner, but I reckon I did the double ton when they caught me.

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  2. I told this story before, but I will tell it again. When I was in Saudi for British Aerospace in the late seventies, the Saudi airforce had american F5s and Lightnings. One day they decided to see what was fastest in a climb and an F5 and Lightning were placed side by side on the runway. The F5 let the brakes off on max power and max climb. When it was at 10,000ft - the lightning let the brakes off - when the F5 was at 20,000 ft - the lightning was at 30,000ft. WHAT A MACHINE.

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  3. MM,

    With regards to your car port, as I see it, you need not care if it is dark or light, all you want is the lights to come on if anybody needs them to (proximity). You can put a normal light switch between the power supply and the proximity sensor / light and you have your simple system. It's either on or off.

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