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Posts posted by riyadhcrew

  1. I'm sitting here at home having a glass of the red wine I bottled the other day and I'm thinking to myself, "if I was given this in a restaurant for something I had ordered, but didn't know the name, I would be happy". It really is quite good and smooth.


    I make it in a 5 gallon (20 litres) plastic water bottle (the ones you turn upside down in a water cooler). The ingredients are as follows:


    17 litre bottles of pure red grape juice,

    650 grams of sugar,

    1 packet (heaped teaspoon) of fine baker's yeast, (can't get wine yeast out here)


    Stir it all together with a stick and put a condom on the top, at a slight angle.


    After 1 day, the condom will be blown up and I put 2 or 3 holes in it with a tooth pick,


    2 or 3 weeks later, the condom will be flat and I leave it for another week or 2.


    Syphon with a plastic hose into flip top bottles with the rubber seal and that's it.


    I could probably get 13 or 14 litres out of it, but I stop at 12, so I know I'm clear of the sediment.



    • Like 2
  2. This one is for Grace.


    Just bottled 24 litres of Chateau Riyadh red wine. It took 5 weeks to make - an hour and a half to bottle - and if friends come around, probably 2 weeks to drink. 


    I need to find a diffent way to do this. cheers  cheers

    • Like 4
  3. I've never met anyone who hasn't dropped the ball at one time or another. When it comes to bumping a boat, hopefully its normally coming into or leaving a mooring and the magic word is SORRY.




    My opinion.

    • Like 6
  4. I hire regularly from Enterprise Car Rental in the UK and for a non-refundable CDW of around 900 pounds, you pay nothing for damage. However, if you don't pay the CDW, they have a guage about the diameter of a tennis ball and if you get a scratch that is smaller than that, it is OK. Anything larger and you pay.

  5. BB,


    Thanks for that. I don't think there is much anybody can do if they are sitting eating lunch and not watching the river. It must have given you a hellofa fright. I will be more carefull now going under Ludham bridge and watch out for boats turning.

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